View Full Version : Is this just a stress/anxious phase or is this full blown anxiety?

09-03-11, 16:44
I'm an 18 year old girl &Well, I've had some symptoms that resemble anxiety/stress for like a month now...
The first symptom I even noticed was a tingly sensation in my left hand.

I've had ever it since I've noticed it, which has freaked me out on bad days. (thinking I'll have a stroke or something) Which has put more symptoms on the map...
I've had it checked twice and the doctors have told me the same thing. Stress/nothing wrong with my hand. at the time, it was just tingly and now it aches
I've just realised that I've been self diagnosing myself with Anxiety as I've been scouring this forum for a while. (mainly because of the tingling in my hand)
The tingling only comes on if I'm actually paying attention to it.

Other symptoms I've had are:
Trouble breathing. (ocassional)
Trouble sleeping (But that was only when trouble started) Right now I've no trouble getting to sleep
my left arm sometimes aches
sweaty hands (at night if I'm sitting up doing nothing)
Crying for no reason (ocassional)
Chest pains
rare lightheadedness
Hair pulling (which my mum has just brought it my attention

The thing that is bothering me is that I don't know what I'm stressed about.
When the stress first started I was having a lot of trouble with my boyfriend. I also am wondering whether these symptoms are down to alcohol.
During the christmas period and after christmas, I was partying a lot & drank more than i usually do. Which was one of the best times of my life as I was happy and had broken up with my boyfriend who hurt me alot.
I only started feeling anxious/experiencing these symptoms when the friends I was partying with stopped talking to me for no reason &also when my boyfriend and I got back together.. I'm wondering whether this "downer" was caused by the paused drinking and social life...as I've always been a worrier and I've had cases where I couldn't breath, but I'm wondering why I've got this tingling that I've never noticed before and also I get butterflies for no reason sometimes.
I find that when I'm not feeling lonely (which I always am) I don't any problems.
I have no trouble socialising but I do have my "i want to stay in bed" days.

As of now, I do nothing, sit around the house with no company and no friends...&wanting to get out of this failing relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years?
Is this what's stressing me out?