View Full Version : Iam new on here and not sure how it works.

Chris hill
09-03-11, 17:51
Hello all .

09-03-11, 17:54
Hi Chris hill

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-03-11, 18:21
Hi Chris and welcome, I'm new here myself but have got loads of support and help.


Chris hill
10-03-11, 10:00
Thanks i seem to have the same problems with this. I thought i was going mad and was in hospital again on saturday convinced i was having a heart attack .

10-03-11, 10:02
Mate sorry to hear that is it panic attacks and anxiety?

10-03-11, 10:12
Hi Chris and :welcome:
Sorry you are having problems, try and tell us about it if you feel up to it, i'm sure whatever you're going through at the moment someome here will know exactly how you feel.

It helps alot to know you're not alone and you most definitely are NOT going mad, mad people (a term i hate btw) don't know they are mad they think they are "normal" another term i hate cos it doesn't exist, they should replace the word "normal" with stereotypical.....and who the hell whants to be labled as stereotypical? not me i like being a bit of an odd bod, yeah i hate the anxiety and panic attacks, the scarey thoughts the absolute terror of being sick and the endless questions about why i'm like this but at least i'm not stereotypical :).

Anyway hope you find the strength to tell us your story, be nice to know we can help you :)
