View Full Version : Proves anxiety makes symptoms worse..any thoughts?

09-03-11, 18:02
Yesterday I barely noticed my lightheaded/dizziness. Toady it all came back as now I'm obsessing over amalgam fillings being the cause of my dizziness/eye floaters and tension headache. I had a new filling put in over November and after looking on the net, I'm not convinced it's mercury poisoning. Thing is I've had a filling since i was around 13 and that never affected me, weird why my new one would be now.

Anyway, I went to my dentist and asked about that, they kind of talked it down and said I would need a letter of proof that I'm sensitive to amalgam fillings before they would change them to composite fillings. Apparently it's risky and can sometimes do more harm than good.

Any thoughts on this being the cause or not? Or is it purely anxiety causing it? I've got an appointment with a neurologist next week for a possible MRI scan, is it worth mentioning?

09-03-11, 18:09
I have had those type of fillings too, i had them for quite a few years i have replaced most of them now to white fillings except one, i too considered he possibilty of mecury poisioning when i was going through my searching for an answer phase, but in all honesty the fact that yesterday was a better day and today you are focused on the mercury issue says to me its more likely anxiety, i had my changed which i had to pay privately for, and had no extra ill effects from it nor any benefits of them being changed x

09-03-11, 18:28
Hi Katie,

Thanks for getting back to me, nice to hear from someone who has gone through with it. So you said your symptoms didn't change after having them changed? So in your opinion it's not worth the cost? Did you have similar symptoms?


Carl x

09-03-11, 18:54
Hi mate

I,ve got loads of amalgam fillings , i grind my teeth in my sleep or used to causeing the need for endless fillings when i was a kid . All my teeth at the back have fillings i,m afraid all amalgam , i,m 45 so have had them in 30 years plus , most was done before i was 16 .

No problems with me . Hope you get it sorted mate :D

09-03-11, 18:54
Nothing changed for me after changing my fillings to white one, i didn't like the idea of the mecury fillings being in my mouth, but i started changing my fillings because they were old an needed replacing and i thought good opportunity to now have white ones, i have now changed them all except one, i wasn't concerned about changing them as my dentist the risk was mimimal.
I have never been a well person since the age of 13 i had m.e then and i have it again now i am now 31. i have a whole list of symptoms some will be anxiety some are m.e but as i suffer from both conditiions i find it hard to see where one ends and another begins. I have very severe dizzyness/weakness/faintness (this is my worst symptom) i have always been a dizzy person since my early teens, but usually able to continue as normal until 2 years ago, i am constantly exhausted, i often feel breathless and as though i have something heavy on my chest, i get alot of tmj problems sinus problems ibs, food intolerances, hypoglycemic symptoms, i get headaches, jelly legs, that also feel made of lead, tinitus floaters. the list goes on. i personally feel that changing my filllings was worth the money, as they look nicer and i didn't really like the idea of mercury fillings, but i guess it is personal choice x

09-03-11, 22:20
Thanks Mel, I've really got to stop searching the internet for endless hours on possible causes! I really am clutching at straws sometimes :)

Hi Katie, I'm sorry to hear about your many conditions. I presume you've had countless tests done? Strange how it went and came back..I guess that can give you some hope that it could go again. It's hard to be positive and believe it will though, at the moment I'm trying to be positive..as people keep telling me that the mind is a powerful thing and can amplify things and make me worse..I think I'm going to stay off the net for a few weeks and just try and get better..I believe the internet (apart from this great site), has made things worse. I feel now I'm typing in my conditions and assuming that that's what I have. I should just listen to my GP and leave my fate it their hands..anyway, I really hope that one day your symptoms subside and you start to recover, you have my very best wishes for that.

Take care

Carl xx

10-03-11, 08:33
Hi. I went through a period of lightheadedness and headaches a few years ago and I understand how you are feeling. I spent my whole life thinking about my symptoms and just made things worse. You need to know exactly why you are having these problems and convince yourself that there is something physically wrong when in fact it is anxiety fuelling them. I have loads of amalgam fillings but I dont really think they are anything to worry about.

I ended up having an mri of my head and neck, although the doctor did not think there was anything wrong, and it all came back ok. However, even before I got the results the dizzyness went away because I started worrying about something else. So it was definitely anxiety.

There will be no harm in mentioning this to the neurologist when you go if only to put your mind at ease. Hope everything turns out ok.