View Full Version : Flashing lights/ blindspots

09-03-11, 19:02
Ok, I'm really trying not to panic about this as I think it's fine but I'm not winning the battle as yet! Last night my husband and I went to the cinema, we left about 10:50 and as we got in the car I started to a coloured round light in the centre of my vision. This was very different to the floaters I sometimes get so I pulled over and my husband started to drive. The light kind of moved over to the left side and eventually turned into a giant zig zag shaped rainbow, we decided it was best to go to the hospital and when I went into the reception I could barely make out peoples faces and my vision had sort of doubled/blurred. When we sat down I couldn't really see out of the left eye and I felt really off. My husband went outside to call my mum and by the time he came back it had completely gone!! Obviously I waited to see the Doctor and he said as my vision had returned to normal it might just have been that my pupil didn't dilate properly moving from the dark of the cinema into the light of the lobby then into the dark again. He had a quick look in my eyes and said I was fine to go but come back again if it happens again.

I kind of feel reassured by this but if I'm honest, not really!! Has anyone had anything similar? I did wonder if it might be the start of a migraine but I never got any sort of head ache?!?! Any info as always is greatly appreciated, I feel quite alone in all of this, my husband is very understanding but unless you have these feelings of anxiety it is so hard to get across the panic and worry of odd things like this that come out of nowhere.

09-03-11, 19:15
I get funny things in my eyes have had a black circle with green round the edge, I also got a feeling where I got bright lights with a black rainbow over the edge, before that came I culdn't focus on my friends face it was strange, it lasted about 40 mins and I felt a bit confused sick and light headed (maybe due to the slight panic I felt). it is awful and I feel for you, this anxiety is a lonely old trip isn't it ?? even with lots of people around its lonely when you feel like this.xx chin up and try and put that in the past where it belongs, our nerves are so fully charged we get allsorts of symptoms.xx:hugs:

09-03-11, 19:40
I know how you feel! I have black shadows in my eyes but strangely only when I look left and right! Been to the Opticians a few times and each time I've been told that my eyes are fine and that anxiety is causing it!