View Full Version : really need help- extreme panic!:'(

09-03-11, 19:20
I went for my haircut today even though my extreme fear of it cause it involves my head. anyway when she was washing it it was going everywere because i was so aware of it and i forgot how roughly they do it. when she was blow drying my hair the big round brush would hit my head each time. Im almost in tears. I had a weird sore feeling in head whilst she was doing it and the back of my head felt sore (not a muscle ache sore) i just got a feeling in side of head and one on my shoulder two minutes ago. I also had lower back ache after this.............. i now have a weird feeling in forehead (its different to anything else ive had before) and one to the left of my head on the top kinda near the back. Im terrified that my brain is going to start bleeding. I love my hairdresser but she did hit my head a good few times and was rough.Also still dont know if the spilinter is about my toe (and when i stepped in the house barefoot the other day near the door i felt something like a splinter then (and i just felt something in my foot there now) I just want to cry :( I felt really proud that i made it to the hair dressers but now i just feel crap.

09-03-11, 19:30
also felt hot on one side of head-face and now have pain in that cheek to. im about to loose it. :(

09-03-11, 19:42
also feel as if theres blood in my mouth- this really feels different to any other time ive feared a slow bleed to my head :(. also feels like theres liquid in my forehead just above my eyesbrwos (the bit inbetween my nose)

09-03-11, 19:55
im actually terrifed to leave the lounge. Ive never had these head feelings before.

09-03-11, 20:07
Hi Em ma,
What you are describing sounds like extreme panic, and you are feeding it.
Well done you for actually getting to the hairdressers, even though you didnt actually enjoy the experience.
I am a nurse, and i would like to reassure you that a brush banging on your head is not going to give you a brain haemorrhage. The skull is designed to protect the brain. If we had a brain bleed every time we had a tap on the head we would be dead pretty soon after birth !!
The other symptoms you describe sound muscular which I often get from having laid back with my neck in an awkward position to be washed.
The fact you have posted one post after another, means you are feeding your anxiety with negative thoughts. You are convincing yourself something is wrong.
Turn off your laptop and start telling yourself...."I've only had my haircut...it's not going to kill me".......keep saying this, and do something that will relax you.
Stop telling yourself something is wrong.......you are in control and you can work through this temporary "blip".....this is just a thought and a feeling and it will pass.
Good Luck

09-03-11, 20:11
Thanks. she was proberly the same last time i got it cut months ago but of course i would never think about it then. It was the way i would feel it bang against my head everytime she used it and the way when i had my head back when she was washing it, it was going everywere.

I do like my hair though lol. I just want to be my self again- the happy, smiley "old" me.
I want it back so badly.

09-03-11, 20:16
Hi, I am sorry to hear you encountered a rough hairdresser. I think its just the way of them, especially nowadays. Choose another next time and, hopefully, you will have a nicer experience. Yes some aren't very great, especially when you think about the price they charge!! As for the feelings, I think most of what you are feeling is very likely to be psychological in nature as you are thinking about it and not letting yourself feel free. Just try to forget about it now and enjoy your new haircut!!

09-03-11, 20:23
Thanks. I really hope it is all in my head- i hate the thought that me dying would upset my family so much- I just want to relax enough to be able to sleep tonight. :(.

09-03-11, 20:31
i want a bath but i can still feel the liquid thing in forehead:( my anxiety is so high that also today i was out and walked past a garage and there was a spill on the pavement and it stank of petrol(instant panic that i was poisoined) also just took a cd out of cd drive and felt something weird in little finger (like burning)

paula lynne
09-03-11, 20:36
Hi Emma, if you do go in the bath, make sure its warm, not hot, this is important. Open a window if you can. Cool air, warm water seems to help. It may be because it helps lower your Blood pressure, not sure. It just helps. Do everything you can to distract from the liquid head feeling. Snap an elastic band on your wrist, run the bath and put some of your fav music on, light a candle, get your room ready by lighting a candle, get a cool flannel ready for your head (this helps me big time).......best wishes, Pol x

09-03-11, 21:27
Thank u all for the advice. The only reason I'm worries about the pain I has at the back of head is that it was different to all other muscular pain I've ever expirenced

10-03-11, 17:41
not had a very good day. still sometimes feel the pain at back of neck- its not muscular because it feels different. also got the liquid feeling in mouth and earlier had a gush of discharge from one nostril (but didnt see anything come out) also still feels like theres blood in back of mouth. had sinus pain to today.
Also got muscle ache in upper left arm (hurts when i move it)

also this happened were i live today:
http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/8902266.UPDATED__Police_search_Hove_for_men_who_th reatened_police_officer_with_gun/

really scared :( mainly of a slow bleed to the brain.

10-03-11, 18:19
just getting a bad pain on one side of head (ouch!!) it really hurts

10-03-11, 18:29
Hi Emma,
Try and look back on your previous posts, see how many times you have had concerns about brain bleed issues, every time you have been fine, so why is this any different, it isn't, its just the anxiety, you need to try control it and not let it control you. I had a horrid pain on the left side of my head for days, it was very painfull and wouldn't shift, it annoyed me but didn't worry me, as i know it was muscle tension. I know you feel like the sensations are different, but the thing with anxiety symptoms is that they can change all the time, I am sure most people on here will say they have many variations in the symptoms. i know i do. your anxiety is so high ayt the moment you are just perceiving normal bodily sensations as a threat, this is just because anxiety magnifies everything. you just need to relax and gain control of your thoughts xx

10-03-11, 18:45
Hi Emma.

Ask yourself what are the chances that your hairdresser has somehow caused you massive head trauma? There is absolutely zero to no chance. From what I can gather it sounds like you've just gotten yourself into a massive panic, and when its got a tight grip of you then your imagination will run wild.

Anxiety can be hell, but just remember that you're not alone and that you will beat it someday.

Chin up babe. x

10-03-11, 19:01
The police incident is also worrying me still....

10-03-11, 19:24
but thank you so much for advice on the head. :D

10-03-11, 19:41
hi chick,
i cant stand smell of petrol or anything uuurrgghh lol, but i was a squaddie and we used to breathe in fumes like that all the time my hubby does now when hes away. in afghan he spent 3 months with it everyday. promise you it cant poision you. you would be dead now anyway chick think when your a kid is mainly when you find out what your allergic to etc.
also when im cleaning i get stink of cleaning fluids on my hands and breathe it in yuck doesnt harm me chick x

when i first developed anxiety mine was the head and i wished i could wear a helmet all day lol xxx

11-03-11, 16:00
Thanks. Im a mess now :( again!... yesterday in bed i violnetly jolted (my whole body did a big jolt) it was like id been electocuted. I was lying on my side. Today ive got a bad pain (want to cry because of it) at the back of my head one side.. im terrified the jolt in bed yesterday caused me to hit my head and im bleeding ahh :(.....
also i had a tuna sandwhich this morning which i had made last night and put in the fridge in foil over night and i ate it today but it had a speck of red on the bread and looked like blood (so scared)
im also really tired (been yawning all afternoon) and feel totally sick and out of it(really never felt this bad before)

11-03-11, 16:11
A tuna sandwich in foil in fridge over night is totally fine, and can i just say, you say you are feeling worst than usual, this is because your ha is getting worst, therefore the sensations you are feeling are worst, when you get your ha under control, your symptoms will subside and improve x

11-03-11, 16:13
Thanks, the only other worrying thing is with the pain in head which really kills and feels tingly sometimes (not often) i get like a bloody, liquid thing in mouth

11-03-11, 16:17
The pain you are experiencing is just muscle tension, one of your biggest fears seems to be about brain bleed issues, the mind is such a powerfull thing, as well as having the muscle tension, it is mimicing the symptoms which you fear the most. the taste you have in your mouth is likely to be due to anxiety too, it is quite common to get a metalic taste in the mouth. really nothing to worry about x

11-03-11, 16:43
Thanks. Its so terryfing fearing your just going to drop dead. hope to have a chilled out evening :). still got the horrible pain though..:)

11-03-11, 17:33
only other thing im worried about is the tiny red dot on the bread earlier :(

macc noodle
11-03-11, 18:51
Oh Emma - tiny red dots on the bread? You seem to see a lot of dots dont you hon?? :)

Don't worry honey, you will be fine - hey it's the weekend get out there and do something that pleases you!!!


11-03-11, 19:52
Thanks. In a panic at the moment about something not to do with my health lol

11-03-11, 20:09
i have a slight fear of being stalked and someone just turned up to my house with a pizza but know had ordered one. after this: http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/8902266.UPDATED__Police_search_Hove_for_men_who_th reatened_police_officer_with_gun/ yesterday im scared.

11-03-11, 20:18
hi chick x

really wish i could help you more cos i been where you are. get the taste too its anxiety relate. x
please do something to help your self
get a book and every time you get anxious and feel something write it down and if you ask for reassurance write that down too. then the next morning go to that page and write i didn't die. do it every day. and you will see a pattern the pattern of your symptoms and that they didn't hurt you its just anxiety. x it helped me x anything is worth a try.
the jolt you get i get its your over active mind keeping your body going. i get it al the time x x

11-03-11, 21:01
thanks. will try that idea sounds good. also just burnt one temple with a hairdryer by accident (ouch) can still feel it. is it safe?

12-03-11, 10:22
Hi Emma,
Yes it's safe :)
Sweetie, I know you've been to the doctors a few times, but have you actually sat down and told them that you are extremely anxious about head injuries all the time? I do think you would benefit from some CBT to help you, because you do seem to be getting more and more anxious about things that could in no way harm you.
Trust me when I say that all of these things - hairdresser tugging on your hair, burning your temple with a straightener, or even knocking your head in the night, can not cause a brain bleed. We have hugely thick skulls as humans - they can withstand a hell of a lot of force. The kind of things that cause the type of traumatic brain injuries that you are worrying about are generally car accidents, gunshot injuries, serious assaults or crushing injuries from machinery. The stuff you are worrying about cannot cause that kind of injury sweetie - and you would know about it if they had. In fact - you would probably be unconscious, not posting on a forum! I know how it feels to obsess over this sort of thing but you need to start telling yourself that your head is fine. You are young - get out there and enjoy yourself. If you cant get out, have a relaxing day - watch a funny film or do something to take your mind off it. You will be fine! :)

13-03-11, 16:28
Thank you.
Painciking again though as half of one of toe nails is purple! noticed it yesterday. The lower half of it is purple. :(

13-03-11, 17:02
do i need to see a doc tommorow?

13-03-11, 17:12
I'm sure that is nothing to worry about hun. You could have just banged it and not realised x

13-03-11, 17:52
Have you got cold feet? my big toes always go blueish purple when they are cold x

13-03-11, 17:53
nope there not cold. its not just a little purple its proper purple. im so terrified it will need amputations or something.

13-03-11, 18:12
I wouldn't worry, maybe you brused it, just see how it is in a few days, it will prob go down. x

13-03-11, 18:16
It it's bruised it'll hang around for months - my son's toenail is still growing out a bruise that happened in November

13-03-11, 18:23
Thanks. I really hope its just a bruise-- but what if its not :(

13-03-11, 18:27
I am sure it is bruise, so give it a few days and see, thats the problem with us anxiety sufferers we always want certainty and live our lif full of what ifs, lol just try to forget about it and it will be fine x

13-03-11, 19:24
Thank you for the reply. I hope it is just a bruise. Got a lovely tension headache/head pain because of all the worrying now x

13-03-11, 19:34
Bath and bed - maybe a painkiller if your head's that bad and look after your toes in future - if that is a bruise it's gonna spoil your look in sandals this summer :)

13-03-11, 19:43
Thanks x. I really hope it is a bruise. My friends mum thinks it is (i asked her yesterday) so i really hope so. Going to have a bath soon and then off to bed :)

13-03-11, 19:50
You can sometimes cause bruising etc on your toes without even realising. I have woken up before and thought my toe really hurts and can't figure out what I did. You probably banged it and didn't notice but its caused bruising. If you are worried I would give it a couple of days and if still no change go see your doc to get it changed. I am the same though, worrying myself silly :(

13-03-11, 20:29

I am bruising my big toe nails all the time-it is really nothing to worry about.

It takes months to go through as it has to grow out so dont worry if it is still there in a few days!

If there was a problem with your foot then you would have a purple toe and not a purple toe nail.