View Full Version : Ear rumbles- Anxiety related really??

09-03-11, 19:50

I am hoping someone might help me out, the thing is for maybe three months I have had a low rumbling sound in my right ear, on the first day it happened both my ears seemed a little muffled and blocked up it felt like they were full, but now its just the one and it comes and go'e, now I thought maybe I had a blocked ear but I went to the nurse and she checked and it was fine not even red, but I am still getting it.
I looked at the symptoms part of this site and apparently its panic attack/anxiety related, I just find it strange that I havent been panicking at all, and when it started I was on meds and I felt great.
Has anyone or is anyone experiencing this its so weird and frustrating and I think the longer it goes on I might start to really worry about it.
Any feedback would be great thank you.
Hannah x

07-02-12, 20:39
I have had a fullness in my right ear for months and its getting worse, I also have a loud rumble in the one ear and when near sound its so loud I have to move away to stop the rumbling.
This has had me very worries and my anxiety is through the roof with it, I have read a bit about this and anxiety keeps popping up but I cant believe this is down to anxiety its awful.