View Full Version : Professional CBT4PANIC treatment programme

09-03-11, 21:16
Hi everyone

As you all know we don’t promote any online products that offer a “miracle or instant cure from panic and anxiety” and then charge you money to find out what it is.

What we HAVE been recommending for a long time now is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) because it is clinically proven to be the most effective treatment for a wide range of anxiety and mood disorders and we get a lot of good reports about CBT from members.

Unfortunately there just aren’t enough CBT therapists to go around so there are long waiting lists. I was put on the waiting list by my GP in June 2011, when I was struggling a bit and had never heard back a year later (which was too late by then) !

Recently we were given the opportunity to test out an online professional CBT program called CBT4PANIC.

All of us who tried the program agreed that it is an excellent program, professional, ethical, very user-friendly, easy to understand, and the support is extremely friendly and helpful.

The main program is divided into 4 ‘Steps’

1. KNOWLEDGE - This will give you a thorough understanding of what is happening to you

2. SKILLS - You learn cognitive and behavioural skills to help you deal with anxiety and panic

3. PRACTICE - You put your knowledge and skills into practice through carefully planned ‘Behavioural Experiments’

4. RECOVERY - You learn how to stay recovered (the 4 extra books described below are very useful here)

There are 4 additional eBooks

• An easy-to-read version of the main 4 books
• A book of actual online dialogues between a therapist and a lady undergoing CBT
• A book on overcoming obsessional and frightening thoughts
• A great book on Mindfulness - makes it very easy to understand.

So, you get 8 eBooks, 56 Videos (these are really great - its SO much easier to understand when someone is taking you through it - these are short videos from 5 to 10 minutes in length) Audios, email support and you get the whole program on a DVD ROM which means you don’t have to rely on the internet to access everything. And to top it off you get a really terrific 64 page pocket sized booklet which is great to carry about in case of emergencies.

The program has the added advantage that one of the Therapists who devised the program (Robin Hall) had severe panic disorder with agoraphobia so he brings a lot to CBT that other therapists may not.

You can find out more about how it all works at the CBT4PANIC website but what we personally all liked was the great mix of extremely effective techniques all explained in a very friendly and often humorous way (there are lots of cartoons throughout the books). Most of us often avoid even reading about anxiety in case we are triggered - but this program cleverly gets around that. Robin knows about panic from both sides - as an ex sufferer and as a Therapist - and he really just knows exactly what to say and how to keep you motivated.

Here at NMP we believe that while support is essential it is also important to have a plan of action that can take you forward into recovery and all the evidence points to CBT as being the most effective treatment plan available. Ask your GP to recommend a course of CBT or try out this new online program.

11-03-11, 20:12
I have to say that i am so glad i started this course, i'm not even half way through as i have had so many personal problems to deal with.

But i would never have got through an hour and a half at a solicitors today without the tools i needed from this course and the support i received from Robin.

I'll openly on this forum Thank him for helping me get through today as for once i don't fear the panics anymore, i'm agoraphobic and an hour and a half is such a long time to sit in anyones office especially when i know i've got to do it all again next week.

I will say that if anyone does take this course that you have to put the work in yourself, you will only get out of it what you put in.

Just my own personal opinion.

Well done Robin.

12-03-11, 07:56
I was one of the fortunate ones who volunteered and received the CBT course for free.

It was easy to read and the cartoons made it so friendly. In fact once I started I couldn't stop and I carry the little booklet (the condensed version of the course) around with me in my handbag so I can refer to it whenever necessary.

I've had anxiety and panic disorder for 18 years and have been through many sessions of counselling and research in my search for recovery.

For the first time I had instant understanding which has given me control over my disorder.

My husband has remarked at what a change there is in me lately as my fears are less and my confidence is growing daily.

I also appreciate that the author, Robin is willing to correspond with me when I have queries. He has really put himself out to help fellow sufferers.

I would recommend this course to anyone suffering from this disorder, it's been a life-saver for me!


13-03-11, 20:06
Ditto to what the others have said! i am halfway through the programme and it is so easy to follow and freindly, the cartoons are great and Robin is lovely. Thoroughly recomend it to anyone.

14-03-11, 20:35
Completely agree with above...will write a more detailed account when I have more time.. but I am so pleased I volunteered to try this CBT course..Thanks RH.

14-03-11, 22:59
Hmm... it's very late now, but I might sign up for this tomorrow evening when I have more time. I guess you can't have enough support!

01-04-11, 10:29
I'm just about to try this, I'm hopeful it will help as recently I've experienced more and more attacks just when I thought things were getting better!

02-04-11, 02:57
I loved it.
I found the comics to delightful. I could relate so much to the characters.
It's easy to read and understand.
It's well worth printing out the ebooks.
I started it when I got the free trial.
The mistakes I made was trying to go through it too fast and not sticking with it.
But it did help me when I was having actual panic attacks. There is a panic attack page which you fill out. You write down your thoughts and feels and it really helped me see how I was being irrational. it helped me really see all the awful thoughts I was having and how 99% of my what if's had a 1% of actually happening to me.
I do hope to restart it and put in more efort in this time.
I've had anxiety a good 12 years or more now.
I have read countless amounts of self-help books, besides one other book, this has been the only other thing that has actually help me.
I would highly recommend this to anyone.

31-05-11, 14:19
maybe the email went into spam


31-05-11, 15:54
Bull - I will contact Robin and let him know for you.

He is very good at getting back to people so I am sure there is a genuine reason for him not replying.

14-06-11, 23:41
I've just bought the cheapest pack, I hope it helps me, struggling quite a bit. But fingers crossed :]

14-06-11, 23:58
It really helped me to the point that i am working with the public again, i never thought i would be able to do that again ever, Robin is a very understanding and supportive guy, his program i felt, was easy to understand, it just clicked with me.

Just try and put all into the therapy, it wasn't easy at first and i did have a few hurdles to get over, but i did it and my life is a very different one now, just stick with it and i am sure you will do as well as i did.

di xx

03-08-11, 23:15
just to let you know great program . the small book is great to read:) make you feel like going to do all the things you don't want to do.

so i ll be trying more things next week

03-08-11, 23:20
Stick with it bull,

I am working so many hours now and doing things that i never thought possible again.

I am going further and pushing myself further each day, can't believe how different my life is now, just remember baby steps and keep doing them each day.

I am so happy at the moment, no anx at all.

Stick with it hun.

di xx

03-08-11, 23:23
Glad to hear it is helping you Bull - great news

07-08-11, 12:55
Just bought the online package last night. Already watched the first few videos and I have to say they are brilliant. Looking forward to doing more today. Starting cbt on Thursday with a one to one but I think this will contribute significantly to my recovery too. Worth a look everyone xx

08-10-11, 16:47
Please note that I have updated this thread now and the programme can now be yours for 30 days FREE.

Please read the first post in this thread for the latest news.

10-10-11, 17:28

09-11-11, 21:13
Unfortunately it wont accept me when i try and pay using paypal. Im not using my card online cause i dont trust that. It gives the option for UK then proceeds to ask for province and state.. which we dont have in the UK so they may as well not offer the UK option. :huh:

09-11-11, 21:18
Hi Mindful
Sorry about that paypal problem - it is being looked into at the minute. I assure you the credit card option is 100% secure - as you can see the site and shopping cart have been verified by VERISIGN the internets leading verification service.

As soon as I get the PayPal option sorted out I will let you know.

Thanks for wanting to give it a try anyway

09-11-11, 21:20
Thanks so much, i will not use my card online, but if the paypal works i will sign up, i am at the point where i am open to anything. :o

22-11-11, 12:36
Any chance of getting the 64 page pocket sized booklet which is great to carry about in case of emergencies?, I need something thanks.

22-11-11, 12:50
Hi Witchitygrub

Anyone who signs up for the 30 days free trial will get the booklet sent to them right away - Hope that helps

12-12-11, 01:24
Hi Robin, could you, or anyone else on the free trial mail me the cbt page please? I had it bookmarked but it won't load fo me any more. Thanks.

17-12-11, 19:46

Just started 30 day trial yesterday and I am hooked already. So much makes sense and some very useful pages /diary to help. Where are the video's, do the links for them appear later in the text? Sorry quite excited but don't want to rush this either.

Never tried CBT and am adamant to give this a try before the possibility of medication have had anxiety for about a year and I feel I have very little support. Not the fault of others just they can't relate and just don't get it it seems.


18-12-11, 00:48
Hi Carefree

Glad to hear that the programme is helping already :)

The videos are located at the downloads site that you were directed to after you signed up. If you can't get back to it let me know and I will resend the address.

The Videos are split screen - so you see the books on the right side and the therapist explaining the text on the left.

Best of luck as you go through the rest of the material - feel free to ask any questions along the way.


02-01-12, 11:41
Great, great CBT programme and I use the techniques daily!

I recieved the booklet almost straight away!

It has really helped me cope with panic :-)

Try it, it's genuine!

27-01-12, 14:05
I signed up to this last night and got through the first book. Looking forward to getting stuck into book 2. So far very impressed :)

03-02-12, 13:21
I just wanted to say that this programme is great!
The explanations it gives about the reason for panic make complete sense and really help put it all in perspective. The videos have really helped me to lose my fear of panic
and the information given is clear and easy to understand. The key for me was the realisation that I don't need strategies to cope with panic, this just keeps the panic alive. I just need to accept and learn that I am not in any danger and the ways in which this programme helped me to do this is very straightforward and simple. Simple but not easy! I find that I follow the programme and become panic free for a while and then become slack about my new way of thinking and go back to my old ingrained patterns and begin to have panics again. BUT as soon as I refresh myself and go back to the videos, I am back on track. I know that I am trying to develop new habits and that takes time and practice and now I have the right tools to do it. When I first completed this programme I didn't have a panic for 7 months, I can't tell you how free that made me feel! So if you want to rid yourself of panic (and who doesn't)? and you can put the work in, not just once and now, but repeatedly until it becomes second nature then this programme is better than any other that I have tried. In addition the support I had from Robin at the start of the programme was generous, compassionate and very motivating, this guy knows his onions and I am soo grateful that I found CBT4PANIC.

08-05-12, 13:59

I joined the CBT4Panic 30 days free and then I registered an it said it would send me a password but I never got it?


08-05-12, 14:02
I will get Robin to reply to you Morag

08-05-12, 14:03
Oh and have you checked your spam folder?

08-05-12, 15:51
Hey, yes was in my junk mail! Silly me :-)

Thanks. Xx

08-05-12, 18:04
Hi Morag

Sorry to hear that you didn't receive your password - now and again that can happen or it may have gone into your spam folder.

I have sent you a PM with a new password.

Let me know how you get on.

11-05-12, 02:22
Hi Robin,

I wonder if you could answer a question for me please, I joined up for the program nearly a week ago, but havent downloaded anything yet, can I download to my ipad? I was so anxious last week that I didnt have the energy to work out if I could or not:blush:...I must admit I obviously didnt read everything properly because initially I thought I would get books and dvds in the post:blush:...that will teach me to read instructions properly..lol

11-05-12, 11:48
Hi Tricia
Thanks for trying the programme - I hope it will get you back on track.

I would suggest that the best way is to download to your PC then transfer to your ipad via itunes. But you can also just view the books or videos in a browser on your ipad - just open up the downloads site and log in.

Hope that helps - let me know how you get on

Best of luck

12-05-12, 22:35
Its a long time since i updated here.

Just thought i'd let you know that i am no longer agoraphobic, the one mission i had was to be able to take my little girl to school, looking back it is hard to see why i panicked so much.

I have had such huge stresses to deal with over the last 2 years, some that i thought that would really send me over the edge, and i went to a dark place before i got well again.

This program and robins help kept me sane and got me through it............

I am not here to help sell Robins programme just because i am admin, albeit a slack one lately, i just want people to know that it can be overcome and this cbt program did it for me, it may not do for everyone.

But i have my life back :yahoo: and although i still have the odd stressful rubbish that everyone else has, i have a life back that i absolutely love.

I owe this new life to Robin, to not to rely on anyone to come shopping with me is a blessing, to take my girl to school on my own and actually enjoy it is a task i gave him which he succeeded in...............what more can i say.

My little cbt book stays permanently in my bag even though i no longer feel the need to open it, and haven't done for a long time now.

Anyway thats my update.

I hope to all those that use this program have the same success that i did.

Best of luck

di xxx

19-05-12, 19:13
Is this good for GAD or just panic attacks?

22-05-12, 21:25
Have just signed up for 30 day free trial, anythings worth a try when suffering with agoraphobia. How long roughly do the cd and booklet take to arrive ?

23-05-12, 22:29
Hi Laura

Thanks - I hope it proves as successful for you as it has for many others on nomorepanic

The DVD and booklet will be with you in just a few days

Please let us all know how you get on


01-06-12, 08:07
I want to do this but am worrying that I will forget to cancel after the trial!! Can't afford £49!!!

01-06-12, 09:17
I understand that money is tight for people nowadays. That is why I tried to work out the most reasonable prices I could for this programme.

I tried to get a balance between actually earning a living and paying my own bills - since this is my actual career as a therapist - and making it accessible to the widest possible range of people.

Private therapy can cost between £40 to £100 + per hour

CBT4PANIC is a complete programme for panic and agoraphobia with email support added even with the free trial for just £49 - and even then you can split this over three months and pay just £17 per month.

The thing is that this programee really IS effective - Do a search for CBT4PANIC on this forum and you see that it has helped so many people get their lives back on track.

You have 30 days to cancel - but even another 30 days after that to get a refund.

But if the programme proves successful for you as it has been for so many here - I'm sure you won't even want to cancel - I hope you agree that £49 is a very small amount to pay to be free from panic disorder.

If you decide to give it a try please let us all know how you get on.

Best of luck :)

01-06-12, 09:35
Can I deffinately hae the 30 days free?

I am sure that if I find it effective I will use in the future when money better.

01-06-12, 16:54
It's a 100% guarantee - I'm sure if you ask on the forum you will be reassured.

Maybe if you find it helps you can give feedback here on the forum to help others.


08-06-12, 15:47
Hi, I don't understand the payment plans, what is the actual price?

08-06-12, 16:25
Hi Dreamsinspace

I wanted to make the programme available for everyone so you can either pay for it in one go or spread the cost over 2 or 3 months

You get to try it free for 30 days (just paying postage and packing for the DVD and booklet)

Then if you don't cancel in that time you will pay according to your payment plan

In the UK that is either
one payment of £49 + VAT (£58.80)
two paymentsof £25 +VAT (£30) over two months
three paymentsof £17 +VAT (£20.40) over three months

Considering you get to try it free for 30 days - with professional email support and if you went to CBT privately you could pay from £40 to £100 per hour I think this programme is a great alternative.

And if you do a search on the forum for CBT4PANIC you will see that it has helped a lot of people so far.

I hope that helps and if you give it a try please let us all know how you get on.

Best of luck

Veronica H
08-06-12, 21:45
:yesyes:The programme is continuing to work for me. xV

09-07-12, 13:07
I have signed up for this course today. I hope it will be useful for me and help me to get my life back on track.

06-08-12, 22:21
Hello all,
Just wanted to say that today I had my first successful trip out using the CBT4PANIC Had to go to an important appointment so I have been really working hard with the CBT programme.
I have been agoraphobic since 2004 and during that time I've been mostly housebound. I did have a try at CBT a few years ago with a therapist but it just didn't seem to be working for me and I didn't really get on well with the therapist.
But having joined No More Panic I read about the CBT4PANIC programme and thought I'd give that a go as I would be able to do it at my own pace which is important to me, If I feel under pressure it just makes me panic all the more.
Anyway I did really well on my journey today, it was only a half an hour trip in the car but for me that was a big step, we did go through the country lanes as I find that easier at the moment, the only time I got a bit wobbly was when we hit a traffic jam I had to really concentrate my mind on my thinking and try and use what I've learned, well I'm so very happy to say that it did certainly help me I know I've still got a long way to go yet, but this is a positive start for me

Well I just wanted to share my experience with you and I would also highly recommend trying CBT4PANIC, I've found it to be most helpful and easy to follow.

For anyone else suffering with agoraphobia or any panic disorder, never give up, we can do this, it may take lots of time with lots of ups and downs along the way, but we can do it:hugs:

08-08-12, 19:27
How about this for a couple? Me = OCD, phobias, GAD etc, Her = OCD and GAD. We can't afford to buy two courses though :(

08-08-12, 19:28
You can share it. There is no need to get 2 copies I am sure

08-08-12, 19:48
Hi, I'm really interested in this but I just wanted to know how you cancel it if after the 30 days if the programme isn't right for you?

08-08-12, 20:27
Hi UK23
The programme is really geared towards Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia - There are various aspects of it that CAN be very helpful for OCD / GAD - It teaches a variety of skills to help you deal with anxiety, there is a great book on Obsessional thinking and another on Mindfulness which is becoming more and more recommended for GAD but keep in mind it IS specifically geared for PD

and of course you can share it with your partner :-)

Hi mck
If you find it isn't suitable you simply email me and say you want to cancel - and that's it :-)

Hope this helps

15-08-12, 01:18
Quick question, Are the e-books printable?

15-08-12, 12:13
hi mk
Thank you for your interest in the programme

Yes the books are printable - and you also get a little 64 page booklet that helps you remember all the most important concepts and exercises. Great for carrying with you wherever you go

Hope that helps

15-08-12, 17:30
Cheers, started the trial today though the NMP link

24-08-12, 00:41
Hi Robin,
I feel I must tell you how good your programme is.

Seeing a therapist for CBT a few years ago sadly didn't work for me.

When I say your programme on this forum I though I must give it a try, being agoraphobic and housebound since 2004, I felt I had nothing to loose.

So far I'm so pleased with my progress, it's hard work but it is so worth it.

Been doing the therapy for about 6 weeks now and I have managed to go out 4 times already:D

Can still feel panic welling up in me at times, especially if I'm not concentrating properly, but I can now control it and stop it getting worse.

I will continue to let you know how I get on, I know there will be ups and downs, that's just the nature of the condition, but I'm determined to beat this thing once and for all.

Thank you for providing us with your brilliant programme, it's absolutely fantastic value for money, seeing a private therapist would cost you heaps and I think your programme is as good, if not better than seeing a therapist, I know it's worked much better for me anyway. I think that when I was seeing my therapist I felt very pressured to achieve things, on the NHS you only get so many sessions so I felt under pressure immediately and that just seemed to send my anxiety levels through the roof before I'd even started!!! With your programme it's all at your own pace and that is why I feel it is working for me.

Once again, many thanks, will let you know how I go :)

24-08-12, 00:48
Stick with it, it put me on my road to being recovered from agoraphobia.

Robin did promise me i would be able to take my little girl to school easily, and i can :D

06-09-12, 19:39
Hi Diane
So good to hear that you are still far down the road to recovery

Hopefully your story can encourage others to give CBT4PANIC a try

Keep in touch :)

06-09-12, 19:48
I shall be signing up when my partner has recovered from his operation, will be too busy for the next 3/4 weeks looking after him!

Haven't seen your programme before so I'm really interested to give it ago especially as you've said it is more geared towards people with panic disorder with agoraphobia

06-09-12, 20:39
Hi Bernie - that's great

Please let us all know how you get on and feel free to PM me with any questions

Cheers :)

01-12-12, 17:56
Will this plan help me with my catastrophic thinking (and associated panic attacks)?

01-12-12, 21:36
Hi Kayleigh

The programme will give you a complete understanding of why panic happens, what keeps it recurring and more importantly how to overcome it with a complete CBT treatment plan.

It will definitely help you deal with the catastrophic misinterpretations of fight or flight symptoms that lead to panic attacks

If you give it a try please let us all know how you get on

02-12-12, 18:13
Thank you. I have decided to give it a try.

12-01-13, 04:10
I just want to say thank you Robin, with highly appreciated. Great works and very enthusiastic, that's what I'm feeling.

19-01-13, 12:57
This might seem an odd post because I've just cancelled my membership within the first 30 days but I just wanted to say the programme is truly excellent!

I've been having therapy for quite a few weeks now and started on cbt. I've taken to it really well because ive put the effort in at home but have had a couple of little blips but manage to get myself back on track. I decided to sign up for cbt4panic during one of these blips the other night. I had a good look around the website and the content is excellent. The next day I felt back on track and felt I didn't need it anymore. Anyway, my request to cancel was dealt with speedily and I received a confirmation email via the payment function.

I wish I had found this before I'd started my therapy (not that I still wouldn't have gone for therapy) but I could have covered all my cbt for the price of one hour with my therapist and then focused more on feelings and psychotherapy with my therapist because this is all my underlying issues.

01-02-13, 09:09

Can this program help me? I have many issues - depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ocd, sensorimotor ocd, social phobia. Does this program only address panic attacks? Should I give it a try?

01-02-13, 09:18
Hi Lotus
Just sent you a PM

24-02-13, 15:22

I live in the UK and it does not give me any option to order. No drop down box for the UK
Am I missing something?

24-02-13, 15:39
If I remember right i just clicked on the trial payment option I wanted. It is in US $ but it still works.

26-02-13, 13:16
Has the address for this changed? The links just throw an error for me :(

26-02-13, 13:18
I am in the process of updating this thread.

Try this link:

http://ct-online-info.com (http://ct-online-info.com/)

13-03-13, 13:58
Thank-you very much :)

20-03-13, 21:49
I have been using the CBT4PANIC for nearly a month.

It is absolutely incredible. Robin Hall is an amazing guy and I don't believe there is a better online CBT service.

The ebooks are packed full of information, and if that wasn't enough, Robin discusses most of the ebooks in slightly more detail in his videos which can be streamed or downloaded.
Ontop of this is the audio which I use on almost a daily basis covering nearly everything including waking up and having a panic attack, mental panic, not being able to sleep, feeling overwhelmed and a full on panic attack help. I wake up quite often and have a panic attack but open my laptop straight away and have his audio all lined up and ready to go straight away. Sometimes even if I'm just feeling a bit stressed, ill pop one of the audios on and it grounds me back to earth.
I've transferred the audio onto my mp3 player also, so if I'm out and about then I Robin can almost be with me.

If that wasn't enough, Robin is there for constant support and answers. He had messaged me so many times asking me how I am and how I'm getting on. One night I got myself into a bit of a bad panic and he offered to talk to me on Skype.

I can't speak highly enough of the program and most of all, Robin.

I just wish I came across this sooner. To compile this much information, record all the audio and videos and put it all on a hosting website must be costing Robin a fair bit so to give it out for free for all NMP users is just unbelievable.

I'd like to finish off by publicly and personally thanking Robin for all the help and support he's given me.

Absolute saint.

Steven x

07-04-13, 23:13
I only downloaded this 2 days ago and I already feel incredible!
When I downloaded this I was at the worst point I had ever felt in my 2 years of suffering and really didn't want to leave the house or do anything, a day after going through the first few videos I took my mum out for a cup of tea at a cafe leaving my rescue remedy sweets and my anxiety tablets at home, two things that I have never left the house without in the past 2 years. Not only this but today I visited my nana who lives 2 bus journeys away from me, and again I did not need my sweets or my tablets, I just implemented what I learnt from this program and that was all I needed. Granted I didn't feel fine, but I knew I would be!

I'm starting to picture a time where I will be completely cured and I'm so excited!

Thank you so much Robin!


07-04-13, 23:57
Hi Loretts

That's great to hear and thank you for sharing with everyone. :)

Remember that recovery is also very often 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards - so if you have the odd blip now and then just remember that happens and get back to the study and practice as quickly as possible. Take it slowly.

Sounds like you have a good grasp of it all anyway

Keep us up to date.


08-04-13, 01:12

I'm all too familiar with the 2 step forwards and 1 step backwards routine haha, and before I would really beat myself up about it, making it worse, but this time I feel confident enough to know that however many steps backwards I take I can carry on regardless!


08-04-13, 15:37
I have a question actually, I e-mailed my address so that I could receive the hard copies of the books and the DVD's, when can I expect these? Because I didn't receive an e-mail back to say that my e-mail had been received or anything


08-04-13, 23:40
Sorry about that - you should recieve them on Wednesday or Thursday


09-04-13, 00:15
Hello. I was wondering how to go about signing up for help with yourselves. Is the offer of free help still running as I see the original post is quite old. Xx

09-04-13, 00:19
Hi Rita

The first post I did on this thread has been updated with the latest info of how to access the programme so it is valid for now.

03-07-13, 01:27
The website was working fine for me yesterday and now the website won't load, is there any reason for this? Been using it for a while now and suddenly the page won't load


03-07-13, 11:20
Hi Loretts
My webhost had a tecnical problem yesterday - try it again and see if it;s working now


03-07-13, 17:36
Thank you it's working today :)

27-09-13, 11:13
Add a paypal donate button! if someone has not already suggested it ! thanks you for this resource i will try it out AsAP!

08-10-13, 22:36
Hi all, can anyone tell me if this program is still available (free)? I've registered etc but the welcome page is advising me of credit card payments or something to that effect. Any help or advice appreciated. I'd love to try this.

08-10-13, 22:38
As far as I know it is still free.

I am sure Robin will reply shortly

08-10-13, 22:40
Thanks Nicola, I don't have a clue what to do next.

08-10-13, 22:53
which link did you click on can you remember?

08-10-13, 22:59
Will have a proper look at this tomorrow I might be interested I'm agoraphobic I'm so much better than what I was I'm in control now have been for about a year but I'm not fully recovered an would love to be :)

09-10-13, 10:55
which link did you click on can you remember?

I'm pretty sure it was this one http://ct-online-info.com

I registered and the site generated a password for me etc. Not quite sure if I'm good to go or what to do though :wacko:

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

Nicola, I just went on to the site and was able to download book one of the Ebooks so I guess I'm good to go? I assume I'll be able to access all the material on this section - is it time limited?

---------- Post added at 10:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 ----------

I wonder what's the best way to use the online materials e.g reading through all the ebooks first?

09-10-13, 11:40
Yep that sounds like you're good to go hun :)

It's entirely up to you how you wish to follow the program hun, you can download all the books to your computer, which is what I did, or you can read them on the site. I didn't download the videos, I watched them on the site :)

I wish you the very best with the program, I have made heaps of progress with it and I hope you do too hun :D

09-10-13, 15:24
Thanks Auntie, much appreciated :hugs:

09-10-13, 16:22
If you have a kindle you can out the ebooks onto that, but you need to unzip the file first.

02-03-14, 22:06
I don't know how I didn't know about this! I've been a member of NMP for forever.
I'm very excited about starting :D

12-03-14, 06:47
I just registered so I'm quite new. Can you guys tell me how or what kind of process/ method this program do (eg. do they send emails, downloadable materials, videos)?

04-06-14, 11:20
hi i have gone onto the links and cant get any of them to work can anyone help please

---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

ignore last post please x

08-07-14, 14:21
I'm confused, it says free trial then asks you for money. I didn't put in details but then it let me access it. I havn't bothered, I don't have panic attacks so it's not going to be any good to me

08-07-14, 22:07
Hi Jen
I have been offering it free here on nomorepanic
if you look at the threads you will see the links to the downloads

You must have gone directly to the main website instead
Hope that clears that up


08-07-14, 23:51
I'm confused, it says free trial then asks you for money. I didn't put in details but then it let me access it. I havn't bothered, I don't have panic attacks so it's not going to be any good to me


I've used it to help with some depression and some "scanxiety". It's commen sense approach is useful for many everyday challenges we face. It's all about attitude right? Don't discount it until you've tried it ;)

Positive thoughts

09-07-14, 12:56
I am a member but I paid for my course as I didn't no I could get it free?

09-07-14, 17:47
I am a member but I paid for my course as I didn't no I could get it free?

I paid for my course too but I was happy with that as I think it is well worth it. I hope you find it as beneficial as I did.

17-08-14, 02:27
I started this today and it is the best explanation I have ever seen. I started this morning and went out for the day and had the best day I have had in a long time. Cannot recommend it enough. Worth every cent and it was pretty cheap.

18-08-14, 00:37
Downloaded this a while ago but didn't put the work in ... now during my recent blip, I have been reading through it again. I'm motivated to really do this. I really enjoyed the chapters on Mindfulness and Obsessive thoughts.

25-08-14, 14:20
I've just started this course today after a bad random relapse of panic disorder and argoraphobia and I already feel a lot better! Just a few pages in and I was laughing at just how silly I am for letting PD get to me so much. It'll take a wee while to get back to the stage I was at before my relapse but these pdf files have gave me the boost I needed. I've read a lot of CBT and self help books but this seems to be the most helpful of all I have read. Can't recommend it enough.

12-09-14, 11:36
If anyone has had problems accessing the CBT4PANIC course in the last week - the issue has been resolved.


19-11-14, 19:24
Just started the course.enjoying the real explanations and it really has helped.it helped so much so last week that i shocked myself when i had a terrible panic attack at the weekend but am now re reading and watching the videos to help me get to the stage where i dont fear the fear

20-04-15, 13:15
Hey robin this sounds interesting i would like to do this however i don't want anything send to my address i just want to access it online and go through the course? it looks it is about to send books etc?

or am i mistaken? i would love to support with money i am from denmark btw.

11-01-16, 08:20
Hello:) I've read the reviews and website for the CBT and I'm really interested. I just gave done questions about whether it relates and can help me - anxiety and social really. Can someone point me in the right direction of who can help (I didn't know if Robin is still about here as the posts are quite old now!).
Thanks for your help.

20-10-16, 19:50
This looks really great. I'm tempted to give it a go!

04-10-18, 18:26
Will this work for phobias as well? I've heard CBT is very good for emetophobia, and this is the first free online CBT program I've found. I know it's meant for panic, but is there a chance it'll work on my emet as well?

04-10-18, 18:37
Give it a try - you never know.

08-11-23, 07:07
How have I never found this link before?!
To be honest, when I saw the last post was so long ago I thought it was probably defunct, but it still works and I was able to read through the workbooks on my PC.

Ive already found it so helpful as I had been stuck in a 3 day panic cycle and was exhausted from lack of sleep I ended up in hospital on Sunday via an ambulance as I got in such a state and went to see the doctor who gave me beta blockers (which I didn't take cos I panicked about those too!)....actually feel refreshed this morning.

I am going to pay to be able to download and print stuff out which I think will be useful. I saw there were printed small books available when this first came out, does anyone know if they are still available or where to buy those as I cant see anything on the site about those?

Anyway....thank you so much Robin for this wonderful resource if you're still around on here