View Full Version : Another newbie here!

09-03-11, 22:01
Hi, I thought I would make a start by posting on here, see what happens etc. I reckon I've probably had anxiety/depression of varying degrees since I've my teens so a good 10 yrs or so now. I dont really know how I would categorise how I'm feeling except for stressed out! I finally made the effort to see the GP today as I'm at the stage where I cant seem to focus on anything and i have this constant feeling like a weight in my chest, who mentioned that my high pressured healthcare job was causing me anxiety and to return in a few months if I was feeling the same.....I'm still trying to decide if I found that advice helpful or not, so i figure I need to take matters into my own hands and get some help my own way! Thats all I seem to be able to think of right now, thank you for reading this, and whilst I hope I can get some help for myself, i also hope I may be some help to others to.

09-03-11, 22:02
Hi Rachieroo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-03-11, 22:51
Hi:)Just would like to say Welcome,I joined recently and already have found new friends,who are very caring.Hope you find the same.

10-03-11, 20:04
Hi, thanks for the replies! Fingers crossed I'll start to feel a little better soon!!xx

10-03-11, 20:05

Im new myself but already feeling alot better from reading these forums!

Keep thinking positive.