View Full Version : things going on

22-03-04, 02:03
I haven't been here and posted in quite sometime. I had been seeing a therapist and it was ok. I meant another person with OCD. I have OCD and anxiety along with an inner ear disorder that caused me to loose my function of balance. I didn't really get to know this other OCD person as she did not live in the same city as me. But it was nice to talk to her on the phone and send emails. I am not seeing the counselor anymore. She felt she had helped as much as she can. And I do agree with her. I am very concerned that I might have the beginnings of alzhiemers. I am loosing things and think I buy things at the store that I don't. I have told my husband and sons. And mentioned it to my regular doctor. I want a test for it and my doctor doesn't listen to me. I find things in places that I supposedly put them and I don't remember doing it. I feel afraid and I know there isn't anything much that can be done about it. I just wish I knew what is going on with me. Linda

22-03-04, 17:15
Often when we're anxious we do not have the concentration we usually do and thus it may appear that we're losing it and having memory lapses but in reality it's comes with anxiety and goes when you're calm. Keep a diary and track it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-03-04, 17:42
I hope your correct that it more anxiety than anything. Its so spooky. I will have to wait and see what develops. Linda

22-03-04, 21:50
Hi Linda

Welcome back to the site - good to see you came back to see us.

I agree with Meg that panic/anxiety can cause loss of concentration. I am always telling my partner something and he says "you told me that last night". I sometimes have to think before I speak to try and remember if I had already told him.


19-04-04, 23:47
hey Linda, I forget things all the time, pour cornflakes into the pan and heat it up dry on the cooker, go upstairs to get something, forget what it was, I too thought it was the start of some serious memory loss but no, and it is more than likely not with you either. It is stress, depression, panic, anxiety and worry - that is all. Hope you are feeling a bit better.