View Full Version : Hello everyone

09-03-11, 23:48
Hi just joined today after coming across the site although i had heard about it before. I was recently diagnosed as having fibromyalgia after years of increasing health problems. I have had IBS since my teens, then started having panic attacks in my late 20's but managed to get some control over them. Then a started with palpitations which have stayed with me over the years. I have tinnutis mainly in one ear which is worse when i am stressed. I got the diagnosis of fibromyalgia after years of back and muscle pains and increasing tiredness. Look forward to meeting everyone on here.:)

09-03-11, 23:50
Hi seabreeze

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-03-11, 01:16
Hi seabreeze, im new to this too :) i also suffer from fibromyalgia, was diagnosed in 2009 after years of suffering. it really effect my moods, when im in pain i get really low and depressed, and therefore in turn that makes me worse. its like a visious circle :( i have started to suffer from sciatica in both my hips. I hope to see more replies on ur thread so that i too can read them and fid people who related to what we go through.

Take Care :) Speak soon xx