View Full Version : Abscessed Tooth?

09-03-11, 23:50
A couple of months ago i went to the dentist about a tooth that hurt when i chewed on hard objects, after doing a bit of research i found that it could be a cracked tooth. Now I can feel a hard lump by that same tooth and I am panicking BIG time.

There is no pain yet by im so scared that its going to start hurting and i wont be able to get it sorted by tomorrow. I dont know how i will sleep tonight :weep:

I flossed around that area and it left blood on floss so I am hoping that it is just gingivitis. But it seems more like it would be an abscess. This is just another episode of my many dental problems. :weep: It's the panic attacks that are the worst.

10-03-11, 01:07
I also have a tooth that feels weird when I bite down onto something and I convinced myself that I had a cracked tooth. I went to the Dentist who took an x-ray and he said there appeared to be nothing wrong with the tooth and he said it might be a bit of exposed dentine (like an exposed nerve under the gum which is sensitive). I can't tell you what is wrong with your tooth but it might not be what you think it is. Try not to worry and go and see your Dentist if you possibly can.

10-03-11, 09:46
My best advice on this is that if it isn't hurting at the moment, get to the dentist quick, as tooth abscesses are really painful (I wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy!!).

14-03-11, 13:47
Any news Jimsie?