View Full Version : It feels Unbearable!

09-03-11, 23:54
I just need to know if anyone else feels this way: My anxiety levels feel unbearable!!! Life just feels way too hard. Even to keep breathing is too much work! Help!! I often feel I can't stand being in my own body and mind!!! Does anyone else feel this way! Does anyone else feel that no one else could possibly feel as horrible as they do?? I know it's a self-centred attitude but I just need to know if anyone else feels the same!
Thanks. :scared15:

10-03-11, 05:59
Yes I also feel the way you do. The anxiety eats away at me day and night and never stops. It's very hard to deal with but we must never give up trying. I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

10-03-11, 18:56
Thanks urlelove and shoegal for your support and encouragement!
I'm doing a little better today.

10-03-11, 19:08
Are you on any medication? I understand exactly how you feel. I feel like I cant breathe for most of the day & cant cope with it. Doc has just changed my meds from Citalopram (which made me worse) to Setraline (just started them today). I've been off work for 6 weeks now & desperate to get my life back to normal, but I cant seem to function at the moment due to my depression/anxiety. I feel like i dont want to go out either at the moment, also dont want to drive my car, feel like a prisoner in my own home at the moment. Hope you feel better soon. Take care Susie :)

10-03-11, 19:12
hi. just a little word of encouragement, I felt exactly the same way a few weeks ago. I have been on sertraline now for 8 weeks and I can honestly say they have given me my life back........ totally worth sticking with the side effects. Hope you feel better very soon. :hugs:

10-03-11, 21:39
Hi Susie,
I've been on Paxil for most of the last 8 or 9 years and supplement with Ativan when I need it. I've tried 2x to come off Paxil and failed miserably both times! I definitely need it! But I still have my really bad patches. I've been suffering with Anxiety, Panic and Depression for 40 years!!! I just keep making myself do stuff. I joke around with people and can be quite sociable (while on Paxil) but inside I feel pretty miserable.
Thanks for your encouragement!:)

10-03-11, 21:42
Hi Cookie10,
I appreciate your encouragement! Just knowing others understand how I feel means so much! I wish you all the best with your recovery!:)

10-03-11, 22:20
o yes know that feeling o too well. my theory as a woman kick it in the balls lol my anxiety is a man cos men are usually pains lol x x

seriously yeah i have and it scared me so much that i could feel like that other anxiety and i was missing doing things with my boys x my 5 year old started realising only daddy would do certain thing and it hurt so much so i looked in mirror and said to myself if its going to stay with me it can but I'm having some life back. don't get me wrong today is a bad day dam thing but everyday is a knew day. x x

try and keep some positive thought in your head x

10-03-11, 22:25
I feel like this too im very scared of going far from my safe zone and i cant talk to anyone about it as i feel they think im going crazy..I do try to go for walks and stay out as long as i can but everything else i avoid...I get so nervous around people which makes matters worse :( I keep telling myself to fight it but its not so easy as you will know..my friend thought it may be stress related and so started taking kalms but im not so sure if there doing any good as only been on them since monday..Going to try going to the doctors ive been putting it off far too long..Im always scared that tablets will make it worse or that i will become dependant on them:( I hope we all can find a way to see it through and be happy and well again. xx

11-03-11, 11:52
hi. just a little word of encouragement, I felt exactly the same way a few weeks ago. I have been on sertraline now for 8 weeks and I can honestly say they have given me my life back........ totally worth sticking with the side effects. Hope you feel better very soon. :hugs:
Hi Cookie 10 how long did the Setraline take to start working. I've been on Citalopram for 6 weeks, they made me worse, so dont want to wait another 8 weeks before I feel better. Did they make you more anxious at first? Glad to hear they are working for you, Susie :)

11-03-11, 15:03
Thank you scaredstiff695! You gave me a good laugh with that "kick it in the balls" line! We do have to laugh about it once in awhile (to avoid going completely nuts!)
I wish the very best to you and your boys.':)

11-03-11, 20:25
we do its a horrid way to live made worse by the fact that we all thing about it.
its true today i have managed to do so much so far out my comfort zone. i will not let it win i can't x