View Full Version : Does it get any easier?

10-03-11, 01:07
Ive been suffering with anxiety and depression now for just over 8 years, im only 24. It all started when i was just 16, since then i have had a full time job of 5 1/2 years but in 2009 i suffered a double blow i was made redundant in the february and was told on the first monday of march that i had to undergo a major operation. in this operation i had to be cut open right across my stomach and had to have 29 staples in total (i am only a small woman, size 8/10 in clothes and only 8st) anyway, in this operation i had to have my entire spleen removed and also the tail end of my pancreas which now means i have no immune system and have to take medication for life, as well as catching each and every bug, cough going etc. Since the operation i have suffered from severe anxiety as the op all came as a shock not to mention that my surgeon thought i had a cancerous tumor (thankfully it was non cancerous) :yesyes: but none the less i feel like my anxiety is getting worse :( i dont like riding in cars im constantly on edge and think something bad is going to happen, i have a fear of crowds, strange men, men who have consumed alcohol! im currently at CBT and other therapys with my local mental health team.... but im beginining to think is there ever going to be an end to the suffering and a new chapter of my life with no anxiety, depression and no worries?? Its really hard i come from a large family of 4 brothers and 4 sisters, im the youngest and the next in line to me is 28, then after they are all a year or 2 apart up to the oldest being 38, 16 nieces and nephews in total yet having such a large family with both my parents still alive and i have couple of close friends yet i still feel so alone in this so called 'journey' of life im in. no one seems to understand any of the feelings i have or the thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis. Often feel stupid for having these thoughts and think (not that im suppose to think or ASSUME what other people think) but i do, i think they are saying inside 'oh here she goes again' or sometimes that they think im not normal or my thoughts arent normal, even though they have no idea what its like. Aghhhh sometimes i just want to scream at whoever or whatever is inside my mind making me think/react the way i do. i just want to get back to the old me, the one whos only worries were what to wear and what to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner, because at the minute i couldnt care less about my appearence or whether i eat or not. I would love to get to a stage of what i would call 'normal' were i can go out and do things that people my age are doing, have a normal relationship (because at the min mines is not at that stage because of me:weep:), take care of my appearence, not be so scared of everything... before that even to be able to go out and walk down the street by myself without thinking that something bad with happen or someone i meet will harm/hurt/mug me or just sit in a car for the duration of a car journey, like for me to see my surgeon i have to travel 60 miles up a motorway and the entire journey i feel hot start to panic and just feel like im going to be sick. these things in life shouldnt be making me feel like this, these are things i see people doing daily but for me its more like a nightmare. More recently my anxiety has started to effect me in more ways, if my boyfriend leaves in the car i panic and my head seems to go into overdrive with worry. the feeling of fear is taking over my life. I want to hear from past suffers/survivors and their methods to recovery and how they cope on a day to day basis. i want to fight back but i am begining to cross over from tryin to giving up. Any help would be very much appreciated as im at the end of my tether. Im reaching out to someone or anyone who has taken the time to read this to let me know if they feel the same or have experienced something similar. thanks for reading my wee introduction to myself and so called 'life' at the minute... if i could even call it a life.:blush: ..x..X..x..

10-03-11, 01:29
Hi diddles22

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-03-11, 08:15
Hi Diddles, I'm sorry to read that you feel the way you do. Please remember you are not alone. I am a 42yr old man with a high powered job for a major company and i suffer with all the things you have mentioned. You ask if there is light at the end of the tunnel. Well beleive it or not you are on that road. By accepting you have a problem and getting help even joining this website...they are small victories. Like you i started and still do sometimes ignore my appearence but after joining this site and talking to others it made me realise tyhat when you suffer like we do we have to think of our wellbeing first....
So give this a try this morning if you want to... go through your normal routine of getting up getting ready doing your hair, clean clothes you will be amazed at how good that can make you feel....and that makes victory number 1 for today....

Hope you feel better soon...and welcome to NMP...:)

10-03-11, 10:19
Hi Dids and Welcome :)

Seko that's very good advice, i will echo that, don't give up cos you are now making the right moves, things will/do improve.

Sharon :)

15-03-11, 23:13
Hey Seko and Sharon, thanks for the kind welcome, i haven't been on in a while my laptop is broke so I'm looking into purchasing a new one so in the mean time i have borrowed one :) i shall definitely try what you said Seko, i'm at the stage now were i will try anything :( also after seeing my CBT therapist on Friday she is going to ask the physiatrist on her mental health team to review my medication as she doesn't think im on the right ones at present! Its so comforting to know that im not the only sufferer of these attacks or feeling, as sometimes it can feel like you are the only one to be going through it. Its great to finally have people to talk to that understand and have experienced the same things as me, brings back a fragment of normality to my so called life xx

Vanilla Sky
16-03-11, 20:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

16-03-11, 23:09
Hey Paige thanx for the warm welcome, hope to share feeling, experiences and methods with u soon xx

18-03-11, 22:03
Hi I'm also new

19-03-11, 13:37
Hi Diddles,

Nice to meet you, I am pretty much a newbie too 3 weeks, and have found NMP excellent.

You have certainly been through the mill havent you but by having CBT and 'other therapies' certainly should help. You dont mention what medications you are on. Obviously you are on meds for ur condition, but you havent said if you are able to take anything for your anxiety.

As Sekost has said, any small thing you can do each day is an achievement, its very much baby steps, but each baby step, may seem like a mountain climb to you, but its very much something you should be proud of.

I am not long diagnosed, though that is very much my fault as I was too busy with my work to pay any attention to the way I was feeling and eventually I went into meltdown, lost my job, thought not because of this but something else that added to my illness and things went from bad to worse and I got to the point where I was unable to leave the house on my own, so at that point I got help, and now, I can leave the house as long as its to somewhere near my flat or into town with my daughter and to the hospital as long as its buy taxi, but I learned that from where I was to where I am now is an improvement, so, onwards and upwards. But I am on a waiting list for CBT and Occupational Therapy, so that will hopefully sort out why I am like this and then try and fix whatever I have broken.

You may find the chat room helpful, I know I do, before I go anywhere I always log on for a while just to take my mind of going and stopping me panicking, so props to all the wonderful ppl who I have met in there. But thats something I have found helpful, so may be worth giving a try, and you will also find that there are many ppl there who have been through similar problems and can understand where you are at, and it helps a lot. Makes you feel less alone as ppl can empathise with you and makes you feel you arent the only one who is the way you are which is the way I felt before I joined.

I hope that you will feel up to coming along to the chat room to give it a try anyway but if not well most ppl read the boards daily so there is always someone who will message you if not straight away, but soon enough, so hang on in there you are not alone, and you will hopefully gain as much as I have from the site even in the short time I have been on here.

Take care
Suzi xxx

19-03-11, 13:47
It will get better! You are so much stronger than you think. Look at all the things you have overcome and you are still functioning! I love that you are seeking positive ways to help yourself (that is strong character). Have you tried journaling? Sometimes seeing things in writing helps me remember where I was and where I am now. I do that with prayers sometimes too (if you are spiritual). I wake up with an "attitude of gratitude" and think of at least 3 things I can be grateful for. It is a tool to help keep away the negative (stinking) thinking.

I hear lots of good things about CBT and I am trying EFT myself. Hope you have had some time to look at those threads and see the great information on them.

20-03-11, 01:27
Hey Bangorlass and welcome, being a newbie myself i know how it feels so good luck with everything and im sure here are plenty of people on here who will be happy to help u through everything :)

Also hello SuziDusk i am on citalpram 20mg and a tablet called propanol, im going to see my mental health team on the 24th of march (Thursday) they are going to change my meds as they dont think im on the right ones at this moment in time. Had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago and got letter in today for an appoitment to see my surgeon on the 6th April so im a bit anxious 2day. hopefullly when my meds get changed they will put me on a anxiety tablet thats better than the propanol :)

Hello to u 2 seekingpeace ctb is great im so lucky to be getting it, as ive heard alot of people on the hat romms sayin they have to wait ages on it. hopefully they all get it soon as it helps u to understand alot of things about urself and ur reactions. Also i always pray at night, recently ive started prayin at night if i wake and im afraid it calms me down a bit :)

Anyways hopefully i get good news on the 6th April otherwise i duno what i will do with myself. Take care everyone and chat soon xx