View Full Version : In a complete (new) panic, yet again

10-03-11, 10:16
Hi all,
Sorry to post again, seems like my dabs are all over this forum :( I did something very stupid this morning. I googled. I've been referred to the breast clinic by the doc for a lump which she says she's certain is 'nothing', she said she was referring me for my peace of mind, but I forgot to tell her when I saw her that I've got an enlarged painless lymph node on one side of my neck that has been there for the same length of time as the breast lump, about 2-3 months, lymphoma was at the back of my mind anyway but this morning I was prodding the neck lump and it hasn't gone down at all. Stupidly I thought googling would maybe reassure me but now I have convinced myself I have lymphoma and I'm back to crying and panicking again. I'm going to try and get a doc's appointment this afternoon but I'm scared to go because it'll be my 3rd visit in as many weeks and they're just going to think I'm an attention-seeker, but I'm so terrified I can hardly think straight.

Does anyone know if there could be any other reason for a single painless swollen lymph node like this?

Thanks for taking the time to read x

10-03-11, 10:27
I'm sorry I can't help you with your symptoms but I just wanted to say don't feel bad for going to see the Doctor. Health anxiety is a health problem in itself and you need support for that as well as getting a quick check up to make sure everything is ok. Good luck. :)

10-03-11, 10:33
I was super worried about a swollen lymph node i had and ive a very lumpy breast on that side too (got it checked, was fine), and doctor said a swollen lymph node can hang around for a while after the body has fought off any virus or infection (cold, flu, sore throat etc) also some people just have more palpable lymph nodes.

hth x

10-03-11, 10:47
Hi chick

Lymph nodes swell up due to infection and sometimes never go down to their original size - even something as small as a spot can make a lymph node swell. I have load of them!

With regards to your breast lump - try not to worry I know its hard. I've been to the breast clinic about 6 times now all has been fine I just have very very lumpy breasts.
If you do a search on here for breast lumps its amazing how many posts come up and is very reassuring to read.

Hope you are feeling a little better.


10-03-11, 12:01
Thanks so much for replying guys. :hugs:

I've been reading through some of the other posts on the forum where lymphoma rears its head and also trying to work out if I really have any other symptoms ... trouble is I have had almost all of them at some time or other, but then they are also symptoms of so many other (non-serious) illnesses/infections that it stands to reason I've had them! Argh, I'm so sick of being terrified all the time!!!! Stupid HA has left me a total wreck the last few months - why can't I react to things like a normal person!?

hth & Laura thanks, I didn't know that lymph nodes could stay swollen for a long time. I had very bad flu just before Christmas, but I haven't been ill since though ... could it really still be that after 3 months do you think?

My appointment at the breast clinic is next Fri ( :scared15: ) so maybe I'll mention the node while I'm there, I suppose the breast lump could also be a lymph node (the doc couldn't tell as my boobs are too lumpy!).

Thanks again all of you - your help is much appreciated. I'm going to try and calm down a bit. xx


10-03-11, 16:08
Hiya Tiny

I had a mamogramme last year and I was told I had several cysts, the largest one was drawn with a needle just to proove they were only cysts. I can now feel lumps every where which is really getting me down. Don't worry about your appointment but please let us know how you get on. As for the one on your neck, I would mention it but I bet it is because you are run down and worried about the other lump. It will be fine.

Good luck and talk soon


11-03-11, 10:57
Does anyone know if there could be any other reason for a single painless swollen lymph node like this?


Infection. Lymph nodes swell during an infection, as part of the immune system this is what they are supposed to do as they help to battle the infection.

Usually these swollen nodes return back to their orriginal size when the infection has cleared, but sometimes they do not and remain a slightly larger size than they were previously, often for the rest of your life.

I have a slightly enlarged lymph node in my neck on the right hand side in comparison to the left hand side, most likely due to glandular fever when I was young.

11-03-11, 12:55
Just thought id reply to this as last year i had two large lumps in my neck area and another in my arm i was so scared i could not sleep eat i was just so worried i went to the docs and he scared me even more by saying im so worried about you so referred me to the hospital...i went for some scans and test and it turned out to be stress lumps never even heard of them be for but they just told me the more you worry/stress the more you will get them...And also my sister gets lumps alot but realy they were nothing either...Try not to worry about it so much i know its hard but like we have all said it realy could be nothing :hugs: xx

14-03-11, 17:13
Sorry for the late reply, I've been in a bit of a tizzy the last few days over this & not coping too well ... I ended up going to the dr today about my neck lump because I've had night sweats and the other day at work I noticed some little pin-prick sized blood spots under the skin on my arms ... so of course panicked again ... dr is obviously concerned as I am now being sent for blood tests next week on top of everything else :(

Apologies all, don't mean to be a downer just not doing too well right now. Thanks everyone for taking the time to read. x