View Full Version : Thought id say hello

10-03-11, 12:10
Ive just come accross this forum and thought id give it a go.
Im 26 and have lived with social anxiety for 7years, I am a mum of 2 and am getting married in just over a weeks time.
I spend mon-fri in the house on my own (other than the school run in the morning and afternoon which is 2mins away) I feel safe in my house as long as no-one im not familliar with comes in. I avoid talking to people face to face, because i know im no good at making conversation and i get really anxious which give them the impression i am ignorant or unsocialable.
I really wish i had freinds and a exciting life, but until i can get a whole heap of confidence and sort my anxiety issues out i guess i will just stay hidden away in my lil bubble :(
I hope this has made sense! Thanks for reading x

10-03-11, 12:11
Hi bubble26

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-03-11, 12:16
Hi Bubble....and welcome. Your not alone anymore I like you have no social life or confidence but the people on here are great and have made me feel so welcome...
Have fun...:)

10-03-11, 12:55
:welcome: Bubble - hopefully being on NMP will make you feel less in your bubble! xxx

10-03-11, 19:53
Hi, bubble, Im a newbie here too, and also have a wedding approaching so we have something in common!! Im suffering from anxiety brought on by work related stress/possibly some deeper seated issues so whilst they arent completely the same kinda probs you're going through, I'm sure lots of us on here feel the same. But I must say considering how your feeling you have made a big step by joining in on here, well done!! Maybe little baby steps like that will help you on your way to understanding and tackling your issues better xxx

10-03-11, 19:58
Hi Bubble, im new to and im sure talking to others whom suffer the same will help!!!!

10-03-11, 20:00