View Full Version : went to shop alone today... proud

10-03-11, 12:32

well today i managed to walk to the shop with my little boy, i know its something so simple but it meant alot to me and my little boy. he seemed so happy to be going to the shop with me to buy sweeties! its made me more determined to get better.
I did feel abit breathless and had to try and calm myself down abit and even now i feel the same but its been over a month since i last did it.


10-03-11, 12:34
That's great.
Keep challenging yourself and it will eventually get easier.

10-03-11, 12:37
hi twistedwhisperd

Well done you!!

It's not something simple at all, when you feel like that. It's a massive step.

And the first step of many. I had to start this way after not being out for roughly the same length of time as you - and doing for my little girl helped - you are right, the happiness they show is what makes it worth it!

Next time you do it, it will be easier, and keep doing it, small steps everyday is what it takes to beat this. Very soon you'll start to enjoy it again.

Take care and best wishes.

10-03-11, 12:39
WELL DONE!!! :yesyes:

10-03-11, 12:41
thankyou so much for your replies, this website is brilliant for support! xxx

10-03-11, 12:53
Fantastic Twisted, big step and I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to take it - well done xxx

paula lynne
10-03-11, 13:15
I know where youre coming from, and I want to say a huge well done to you. Keep up the good work. Be gentle on yourself on days when you simply cant/wont do it, but always give yourself a pat on the back on days when you can do it! Next time, get yourself a quater of your fav sweets when you get there as a little reward! Best wishes, Pol x

10-03-11, 13:20
That's fantasitic, what an achievment:)
I always get panicked when i go to the shop alone too but i also feel like i have some independance, keep working on it, you are doing great!:yesyes:

10-03-11, 13:44
Wow!! well done, be sooooooo proud of yourself! xx

11-03-11, 23:27
Post removed by author

11-03-11, 23:59

well today i managed to walk to the shop with my little boy, i know its something so simple but it meant alot to me and my little boy. he seemed so happy to be going to the shop with me to buy sweeties! its made me more determined to get better.
I did feel abit breathless and had to try and calm myself down abit and even now i feel the same but its been over a month since i last did it.


A massive congratulations to you! :yesyes:

You should be proud of yourself. I find going out very difficult at times, especially on my own so be very proud of yourself.

Use this positive feeling to push yourself. Any time you feel anxious, remember this proud feeling. You'll be amazed at what you can push yourself through.

Remember as well, if you do it regularly it will get easier and easier. :)

12-03-11, 13:23
i was so proud of myself when i frist managed to go to the shop alone YAY!

anx mum
12-03-11, 13:25
Fantastic, you little boy must have been delighted ... The more you get out the better you will get. You can do anything.

Well done hun i know how hard it isxx

13-03-11, 20:43