View Full Version : Collapsing lots..

05-04-06, 07:22
Recently i have been having multiple panic attacks i keep collapsing and when i cough i even go more light headed..When i went to the hospital they put it to anxiety..I'm just worried i might faint..I nearly faint but i don't i have never fainted before and that's sorta like a fear to me.. which worries me even more it's a viscious cycle.

05-04-06, 08:00
I have this fear too and feel so dizzy im sure ill faint but i never do.
My doc says people faint because there blood pressure drops but when you are anxious your blood pressure rises so you cant faint.
I posted a message a while ago called 'has anyone ever fainted' it might be worth having a look at that.
Hope it helps.
Take care

05-04-06, 15:51
hi there.

Feeling like you are going to faint is one of the biggest fears-- in the world of anxiety...it truthfully is..i dont know how many times i have felt i was going to faint over the 20 years of having anxiety on and of, and i never have(touch wood) even lets say in the worst case you did, it would be really only because you had got yaself in the worst state ever, but the likeness of that happened is like 0... it feels like it,,, oh defintley it does feel like it ..but loves it wont happen ..trust me.

ash x

05-04-06, 20:22
when you see you are collapsing but are not actually fainting what is happening to you during attacks? it is rare to faint but unfortunately i'm one f the unlucky ones who does fsint during attacks. i faint because when i start panicking i start shaking, i hyperventilate a lot till i am almost completely numb and can't move and eventually i fall unconscios for minutes or seconds. because i faint during the majority of atacks i do expect it but if you've not fainted during one yet then you prob won't and if you do nothing bad can happen - and thats experience talking!

05-04-06, 21:02
Well when i have really bad ones i am half concious kinda thing but i don't faint..if that makes sense.

05-04-06, 22:51
i know what you mean, its like you are aware of what is happening around you but in an unusual way that you can not actualy do anything. my doc does say i'm one of a minority that does faint so hopefully you should be fine.