View Full Version : New to the site but not new to anxiety

10-03-11, 16:52

At this moment i am going through a period of anxiety and one of my problems today is that i have noticed that my arm, from my elbow and down, starts to shake/tremor when i have it in a certain position. Mostly happens when i am holding something, lift my hand off a table, clench my fist etc. I have been feeling quite nervy over the past couple of weeks. So just want some advice and reassurance really. Would be good to chat to people with similar problems.


10-03-11, 16:53
Hi hollie1586

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-03-11, 18:34
hi hollie.. i get the same i had my phone in my hand today txting and my hand was shakeing but when i put mu phone down it stopped and then i picked it up again and it started again.. trapped nerve? most certainely :) so your not on your own and it is normal x

10-03-11, 19:48
Hi, Hollie, I'm new too after joining last night. I am also going through a very anxious time at the moment, so I have a little idea of what you're going through. I often get that shaky hand syndrome but I really wouldn't worry about it, like holly87 just mentioned, its probably down to the way the muscle/nerve is lying at the time, I find I get that whether I am going through an anxious time or not. However, it doesnt detract from the fact that your finding yourself in a troublesome period at the moment and so hopefully we can all work together to make ourselves feel better and cope a little with our symptoms xx

11-03-11, 00:13
thanks everyone for your replies! just being on this site makes me feel a bit calmer, glad i came across it!