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10-03-11, 17:49
As you probly realise I have a massive phobia of skin cancer, but when I was 19 or 20 I went on a sunbed about 7 - 10 times. I am worried that this has doomed me to get melenoma now !!! Any words of wisdom xx

10-03-11, 18:12
This is very hard to answer to be honest as we have no way of knowing

It is highly unlikely though as that is not excessive use of a sun bed. I have been on them more than that in my life and I don't have skin cancer.

10-03-11, 18:17
I would doubt that using a sun bed 7-10 times would cause skin cancer, but I'm no expert. If symptoms of melanoma present, then see your GP. But as I said I would highly doubt that using them 10 times max would cause an extreme outcome. I have friends that have used them hundreds of times and they don't have cancer.

10-03-11, 18:20
This would be no more of a risk than someone who sat in the sun in their garden 7-10 time in their swimming costume.

I used to burn myself to a crisp every summer before we knew there was any risk, what's done is done. There is an increased risk but I think I would spot a skin cancer and get it treated before it became a problem.

10-03-11, 19:12
I think when they talk about sunbed use, they mean excessive use, like regularly, every week for a long time.

Unfortunately though, this is one of those uncertainties that we just have to live with. It's like the person who has smoked 10 fags a day and lives to be 90 and someone who doesn't smoke getting cancer. There will be people who use sunbeds all the time and be fine and some who stay out of the sun/away from sunbeds, and still be unlucky.

These things increase overall risk, but other things have to be taken into account...genetics, additional risk factors.

Just keep an eye on any moles/freckles (not obsessively) and you will know if there is a problem and then you can do something about it. Remember it's not inevitable that you are going to get it:hugs:

10-03-11, 19:34
As you probly realise I have a massive phobia of skin cancer, but when I was 19 or 20 I went on a sunbed about 7 - 10 times. I am worried that this has doomed me to get melenoma now !!! Any words of wisdom xx

oi !:D:D

Bexy youv,e had them checked by the DR , your fine love its the Anxiety kicking in .
I,ve lived in Australia for three months in my twenties and burn,t myself i was in the sun that much ..lol.., i also work outside all year round and used sunbeds , i,m not recommending this but i,ve done it now so theres nothing i can do about it . I have a few moles and freckles and i don,t worry and i,m older than you .
Melenoma is not my fear so i don,t worry about , its other cancers that panick me .

Your fine , you,ve had them checked :hugs: x