View Full Version : Dental anaesthetic still not worn off... worried now!!!

10-03-11, 18:49
Ok so I had a dentist appointment today to have a couple of fillings. I haven't been to the dentist for about 8 years and have never had any work done, so it was really a big deal for me.

I wasn't really worried about the actual work I had to have, I was just worried about the local anaesthetic. It didn't help when I read on the net that the injections contain adrenaline and I convinced myself I would have a panic attack and have to leave.

Anyway, I eventually managed to have the injection, and got through the appointment. The dentist told me it wasnt possible for the adrenaline to get into my blood due to the place it was being injected in my mouth. He said the anaesthetic would wear off after about 2-3 hours. That was at 3.30. It is now 6.50 and it still hasnt worn off. He also said he had injected less than he usually would so surely it should have worn off by now? Has anybody else had a local anaesthetic last this long? I don't know what I think could be wrong... nerve damage??

10-03-11, 18:53
I think the reason its taking longer to wear off is because you're in a state of panic to be honest. I remember when I had to have a growth removed as a kid, I had a general anaesthetic in my tongue and it took a whole day to get back to normal - and I wasn't worrying about it.

Just relax, take your mind off it, do something you enjoy and I promise you it will wear off. :)

Take care. x

10-03-11, 19:02
Is it still as numb as it was at 3.30 though?

It could take more than 3 hours to completely wear off.

Interesting what he said about the adrenalin injection as my dentist gives me one without adrenalin as he knows I suffer panic attacks.

10-03-11, 19:25
Hi thanks so much for replying. To be honest I've managed to keep relatively calm up to now (well, not calm exactly, just not having a full blown panic) but if it doesnt wear off soon I will probably start to panic.

Anaesthetic in your tongue... wow that must have been awful. I definitely don't envy you!

Nicola, no actually just in the last 15 mins it has started to ease off a little, it still feels numb but i'm not talking funny anymore. It's now been 4 hours! Hopefully it will wear off completely soon.

I started worrying about the adrenaline in the anaesthatic after I read about it on nomorepanic. I told the dentist that my main worry was having some kind of bad reaction to the injection which would make my heart race/beat irregularly/go dizzy. He said the only time that the adrenaline could affect someone is if the injection was in a specific area (I think he said the lower jaw at the back), but otherwise it was impossible. The injection I had was on my top jaw at the front. Hope this reassures someone - I know it did for me.

10-03-11, 19:29
I've also just found this on the net:

"You may have felt your heart pounding more during some dental injections more than others. If the dentist happens to inject the local anesthetic into a small blood vessel, it can quickly travel to your heart and cause it to beat very hard and fast. This generally subsides after 10 seconds or so and is not dangerous to you. Most of the time, the local anesthetic is not injected directly into a vessel and stays right near the nerve without affecting the heart."

10-03-11, 19:33
Perhaps he was just saying that to reassure me but he did say he would use the non-adrenalin one and only half a dose.

I freak out with the numbness so usually have fillings without the injection but last time he refused to do it without as he said I would be in a lot of pain and unable to bear it lol.

10-03-11, 19:38
hey dont panic... im a dental nurse if you were going to have a "reaction" to the local it would have happened when you were there and it would only have been because you were so anxious in the first place... YES it had adrenaline in it... and if you are anxious about treatment your body will be pumping that stuff through already and when you have an injection it can make you feel queezy!!!! but you will be fine!!!!
It can take a good "few" hours for local to wear off maybe 4+ for the upper jaw and even longer for the bottom jaw... this is due to the different nerves that need to be numbed up!!!
Hope this helps
D x

10-03-11, 19:41
You sound like me! I asked if I could do without the injections but he said no... perhaps it is because the fillings were at the top of the tooth, and it would mean touching the nerve, which I imagine would be quite painful? I wouldnt imagine your dentist would tell you he was using the non-adrenaline injection if he really wasnt - do you think he might have done this?

The numbness isnt a nice feeling, and I did feel quite anxious even after I came home, but I just kept thinking to myself 'it will wear off soon...'

Little did i know... almost 4 hours later and it still feels quite numb!

10-03-11, 19:43
Hi D, thanks so much for your reply, yes it does help to have a dental nurse tell me it's nothing to worry about! Do you agree with what my dentist said about the adrenaline not affecting you unless it's in a particular area?