View Full Version : need some reasurence please .. pains!! cant cope

10-03-11, 18:53
well today iv had a head ache all day literally :( .. had tablets and still hasnt gone .. feeling really anxious and getting really upset now :( .. i get random pains all over my body, i just had one in my wrist and knee ??? for no reason .. and i get them in my legs arms hands head back belly even my face .. are these really anxiety?? my doc says so but im really scared had enough today now ,just want to be ok all this is bringin me down so bad .. my head is really hurtin and i cant think straight and im getting myself into a mess here. i spend most of my time feeling and looking at my neck too because im convinced theres something wrong and that one sides swelling but every one says its in my head.. help guys please xxxxx

10-03-11, 19:04
I get like that too when I'm extremely anxious...random pains all over. I have had the wrist thing and even in my fingers.

I know it's scary but I honestly think it is just anxiety at play here, Remember you've just had clear blood tests, so if anything had been off it would have picked something up:hugs:

I know it's easier said than done but once you start to relax and stop focusing on these pains, they will stop. Give your muscles chance to relax and unwind. Hope you're feeling better soon. x

10-03-11, 19:12
thanks for your kind words :) i thought i was getting better but im really not its like everyday my heads searching for something new to worry about and it wont rest until im in this state .. so the tests would know if there was absaloutly anything wrong????? i know that they do but insist on being reasured . went to opticians today for eye test and before had convinced myself that i had the "c" word in my eye :( .. was in a serious panic in the room and had to tell the man everything and he looked at me as if i was mad . but all was well and i was feeling actually ok untill the headache got worse and now im waiting for any pain that comes and there comein. i dont like this at all. xx

10-03-11, 19:18
Hi holly

I suffer from really bad headaches when my anxiety is high, after talking to my gp a few weeks ago about them she said what i was probably getting was stres migraines due to the high anxiety, as like you mine would sometimes last days!
I found that trying to rest helped also make sure you drink plenty as being dehydrated makes head aches/migraines worse!

I hope you feel better soon xxxxx

10-03-11, 19:20
I've always been told that doctors can tell a lot from your blood, so I would really be reassured by this.

I can relate to the optician looking at you like that because I get the same look from my dentist every time I go and asked to be reassured that there isn't any nasties lurking in my gob...I never even need a filling:blush:

As long as you are focusing on the pains and twinges you will feel them and question every little sensation.

The waiting for the next thing to worry about, I've been there and it is horrible but it does get better. CBT has helped me a lot, although I haven't had an appointment for 4 weeks and I can already feel myself loosing it more. I know everybody says it, but distraction is the best way to go. If you find that you can watch a movie, read a book, online shopping...anything to take your mind of things, you will notice less and less of the pains.

10-03-11, 19:22
hi claira. it the head ache keeps movein to different parts of my head too do yours do that? im going to that docs tmorrow yet again :( just to make sure. and to tell her eveyr thing im feeling again. ive been out and on my feet most of the day untill now just sat down. so draind xx

10-03-11, 19:24
hi hunni

i get pains everywhere mainly morning or late evening my most anxious times. when im really really anxious like now i notice everythinmg.
if i get headache i cant shift without going to sleep cos my anxiety just thinks that much about it same with any pain in my bed xxx

10-03-11, 19:25
Don't forget that if your headaches are migraine related then ordinary painkillers such as Paracetamol won't shift it.

On the other hand, if your pains are due to Anxiety then no amount of painkillers will get rid of that!

In my experience most headaches are caused by stress/tension or neck problems such as pinched nerves.

You optician has checked your eyes and by looking into them they can also detect some undelying problems with your health, so it would appear that things are OK there.


10-03-11, 19:32
thanks guys. yeh optician said everything is fine health wise ive just got short sight but i knew that just needed some new glasses. i always really focus on my neck every day and im very tense just cant seem to un tense and calm down about things. so if i think logicaally theres no wonder im suffering head aches and stuff. i feel so tense and its painful from the neck up :( xx

10-03-11, 19:34
Hey hun,

Yes mine moves around sometimes its the front others its the side and back, ive also have it change from front to side in the same headache if you know what i mean!

Mine can be exceptionally painful where i can barely function and im also sick, other times its just a horrible dull annoying pain!

I also get them when ive been on the lap top too much i think this must be posture related more than anything!

Like horse said the majority of the time normal painkillers dont take away the pain and i either have to take a combination of pills or something stronger!

If its migraines your gp will help you manage them making sure you have the right medication to ease them.

Claire xx

10-03-11, 21:11
yeh thats what i ment. i get a headache at the bottom of my head near my neck and it ends up around the back of my head :/ .. very strange. anything worries me xx

10-03-11, 21:46
its tension it gos to peoples necks or tummys a lot

10-03-11, 21:53
tummys really? i thought i had tummy bug icouldn't shift if that's right? other wise coulm an bug loll

10-03-11, 21:58
thanks london x