View Full Version : Strange feeling in my fingers & stiff neck....

10-03-11, 19:08
Hi guys,

For the past week or so I've had a strange feeling in my fingers, mainly on my left hand but occasionally on the right too. It's hard to explain but they kind of feel like tingling but a bit numb too. I've noticed that I've been a bit clumsy too, dropping things or misjudging things. My left foot has felt the same too but not quite so much.

Then this morning I've woke with a really stiff neck that hasn't eased all day, it hurts down into my shoulder too. My left arm hurts too, along the forearm bone.

Any ideas? I've not googled and I'm not going to but I am a bit worried if I'm honest. I can't go back to the doctors again, I've been once this week and they're already sick of the sight of me!!!

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

K xx

Oh also just thought, this morning I reached to pull the duvet off me and my right arm felt dead and I couldn't grasp the duvet, I thought I'd laid on it funny but maybe it's linked?????

10-03-11, 20:39
First off, don't google! It sounds like you are pinching a nerve in your neck and the result is radiating to your hands. There are a couple of major nerves that branch in various parts of your shoulder and arm and they can cause these symptoms. I would try some OTC ibuprofen and see if that helps. You can also use a very flat pillow and try to sleep on your back. If this doesn't help then visit your doc. Please don't worry about this.

10-03-11, 20:40
Do you sit at a desk whilst using a computer?

I had similar issues to you and in the end traced it down to leaning on my elbows whislt using computers

11-03-11, 08:20
Do you sit at a desk whilst using a computer?

I had similar issues to you and in the end traced it down to leaning on my elbows whislt using computers

No, I don't sit at a desk at all. My stiff neck has eased very slightly this morning but my left hand & foot still feel really odd. I also have pain in my left calf muscle. I'm trying not to panic but I am quite worried. My HA is always about cancer so this is something quite different and so I would consider it 'real' rather than just brought on by my HA (does that make sense???)

K xx

Sammy J
11-03-11, 13:33
Hi K,

I wanted to reply as I have been having identical problems over the past couple of weeks. I saw my GP (twice) who told me I'd got a pinched nerve in my neck so I booked some sessions with a physiotherapist.

When mine first started it wasn't neck pain but the left side of my face felt tingly and my little finger & ring finger kept going numb. Also I had arm pain (all left side). The physio confirmed a pinched nerve and gave me exercises to do and I'm still having appointments with her as I'm still suffering. Last week I started with pain down my left leg and in my foot... really painful. At this weeks session she told me the muscles in the top left side of my neck are in spasm (even though my neck isn't painful as such, just a little achey) and also the bottom of my back left side muscles are tight.

It is frustrating as I know it's all anxiety, I used to suffer stomach issues with my anxiety but after 6 years that has improved but now it's my neck! Today the main pain is in my left hand and left foot.

I just wanted you to know you're not alone on this one! :)


11-03-11, 14:08
Hi All,

I regularly get this badly on a morning .... after a bad night of anxiety. I've been told from my Dr that its stress and anxiety. As I already see a chiropractor for my back (bulging disc) I believe he is right. It's certainly not nice and we don't need any more worry do we!!
I also get wobbly legs and heavy arms .... feels like my insides are on fast spin!
Of course I would still advise people to go to the docs and get things checked out if only to put your mind at rest. That is what they are there for after all.
All the best everyone,
Julie xx

11-03-11, 15:42
Thanks ladies, that's put my mind at rest a little.
I have an appointment with my GP next Tuesday (for something else!) so will see how it is between now and then and will mention it if it's still the same.

Thanks again.

K xx

12-03-11, 16:07
I've still not googled even though I feel so poorly today, I just don't feel right. I still have my stiff neck (3rd day), pain going down into my collarbone, strange sensations in my hands/fingers and feet too. I have pain in my left leg, along the calf muscle/bone and my left shoulder is killing me. I almost went to A&E this morning because my chest felt so heavy and painful.

I've not googled but from things people have said on here I suspect my symptoms could point to MS. Am I right? I'll only get into a blind panic if I google but I know nothing about MS and I feel like I just need to know if my symptoms match.

K xx

12-03-11, 16:13
Don't google about ms under any circumstances- that is how I got myself into the state I am in xx

12-03-11, 16:29
I'm trying my hardest not to but I just need to know if I have the symptoms????????? I've not googled for about 6 weeks and I really don't want to go back down that route again but I don't know what's worse - googling and thinking you have some awful disease or not googling and driving yourself mad wondering if you have!!!!!!!!!

12-03-11, 16:32
The thing is, I have googled ms and I can tell you that it has a huge range of symptoms and that it is different for everyone. Chances are, if you google you'll do what I did and manage to make every symptom you've ever had fit with ms. Trust me- for your own sake do not google. If you're still worried on Monday, go to the docs. Honestly, I wish I had found this forum before I googled....don't do it xx

12-03-11, 17:19
How do they diagnose MS??? Does it show in blood tests???

12-03-11, 17:27
No. To diagnose, it is basically a series of eliminations as it can be difficult to diagnose- apparently 400 illnesses mimic ms. I'm sure you don't have it- it is rare. Usually, people have an Mri on head and neck/spine and sometimes a lumbar puncture. All of this with the nuerologist.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of anxiety can be nuerological which is why it is a common fear apparently.

Wish I could convince myself :shrug:

Try not to worry and don't google :wacko:

12-03-11, 18:00
Thanks Pan9,
Don't worry I'm not going to google. I don't know what went wrong, I was managing my anxiety brilliantly then boom, something happened (I can't even remember what!) and I'm back to square one or maybe even worse than I was before!!

Thank you for your replies.

K xx

16-03-11, 19:46
Kah, im having the same symptoms as you.

Also worrying about MS but i think deep down we know its not as it wouldnt just come on over 3 days.

Try to be positive i feel fine when im doing something fun so i highly doubt its MS as i couldnt just switch it off

16-03-11, 22:25
I could ditto this whole thread! I came across this site yesterday which started by googling MS!
My left leg has been really achey like growing pains sensations on and off for about a month, and I feel a lot more clumsier than usual. So I am convinced!
However I am also aware last time it happened was when I was menstruating, and its about that time again!...Could this be similar with you, is there a pattern?
I find it such a relief to know that other people are going through what I am, and we can't all just have MS can we? :)

16-03-11, 22:30
Id be worried if i was menstruating hehe!

16-03-11, 22:46
you say that its hard to believe its anxiety? then why are you panicked thing about it inrational terms. people without anxiety would not wake up and panick they have ms from your symptoms. also if it was ms surly the symptoms would gradually come on. also ms won't kill you in the next week so way to tthink is what's point of worrying got a doctors appointment next week so will raise it with him then. but now just try and relax.

i hope my post don't sound nasty not ment that way its just my new coping thing. all though not best for me ash fear just dropping down dead x x

17-03-11, 08:55
you say that its hard to believe its anxiety? then why are you panicked thing about it inrational terms. people without anxiety would not wake up and panick they have ms from your symptoms. also if it was ms surly the symptoms would gradually come on. also ms won't kill you in the next week so way to tthink is what's point of worrying got a doctors appointment next week so will raise it with him then. but now just try and relax.

i hope my post don't sound nasty not ment that way its just my new coping thing. all though not best for me ash fear just dropping down dead x x

Actually yes your post does sound nasty and very condisending. It may help you to cope by being this way but other people are seeking reassurance rather than being told they are being irrational. Everyones fear & symptoms, as you well know, seem very real at the time, otherwise there wouldn't be a need for websites like this.

K x

17-03-11, 09:35
Hi there

I just wanted to say that I am really struggling with this kind of thing just now. I dont worry about MS I worry about another ilness entirely and this is just yet another 'last straw' for me! I know how frightened you are. I am too. I have a burning pain on and off down the inside of my thigh just where it joins my knee and a cold sensation over my knee cap also on and off.

I also keep getting weird cold dripping feelings all over my body just now and again.....kind if like water torture if you know what I mean.... just enough to keep me inwardly distressed ....just as my heart settles down it happens again.

Its so difficult isnt it. I have googled and there are so so so many things that cause these symptoms, and yours. Unfortunately i am really struggle though

Hope your okay


17-03-11, 09:39
Hi Hun,
I know were your coming from I have had, still get sometimes all of thoses strange feelings. I found with my neck it can cause all sorts of numbness and tingling across my head, arms, back even my face it can also cause major headaches. Weakness and twichiness in my hands, legs, arms the list goes on and on. Its all to do with with the nerves and the muscles. I know you are thinking the worst. I have conviced myself I was dieing many times. Don't Dr google its the worst thing you can do.
What have you tried to help it painkillers are good if you can take them. I find a warm bath, a wheat bag, hot waterbottles on the back of my neck are ok and do give some relief but the best thing I find is some muscle rub like Deep heat. It don't smell to sexy but it does the trick :yesyes:
I know its easier said then done but the more you think and worry about it the worst it'll get. Try some deep breathing and if you find yourself tense image your floating around on a cloud. I know it sounds daft but give it a go.
Hope you feel better soon, if you wanna talk pm me xx:bighug1: