View Full Version : stomache cancer? heart problem? i googled :(

11-03-11, 00:00
i was feeling desperate so i went to google.. i was geting chest pains, breathless and feeling sick. ive also been feeling really full really quick when been eating. it said symptoms of stomache cancer/heart failure. so am now panicing! my anxiteys been creaping back in ever sinse had my baby 2 months ago. i just duno what to think? i have been stressed? x

11-03-11, 15:24
Don't Google hun, if you're seriously worried always book an appointment with your real doctor. Most the medical websites on Google arn't reliable, accurate sources of information. Anyone can write whatever they like on the internet.

If you've been stressed it can play havoc with your tummy/digestion. I felt sick for about 3 weeks solid, was bloated, no appitite whatsoever. Chest pains and being breathless come with anxiety too, I get that a lot. If it's causing you a lot of discomfort and distress best thing to do is go see your doctor. He will beable to give you a real diagnosis and put your mind at rest. xx