View Full Version : Help me see clearly - horrible experience..

05-04-06, 10:44
i posted the other day about my symptoms and that even though I thought it was anxiety, I was still extremely worried (health anxiety). Thanks so much for your replies.

i had a doctors appointment last night, as a follow up to a completely unrelated problem. I was very low and depressed yesterday, so when I went in, I told him about my symptoms. He said he was sure it was anxiety, but that he could send me for a brain scan.

i completely freaked out. i've been worrying about my symptoms 24/7 for weeks - and I just wanted him to say 'it's just anxiety'. i had a panic attack and couldn't calm down. he said he suggested the scan so I wouldn't sue him (the appointment was under private healthcare).

i know a lot of you will think 'if you're so worried, have the bloody scan!' - but i just couldn't do it - I completely freaked. Rather than my warped brain thinking 'he's covering himself and suggesting a scan' - my brain was screaming at me 'oh my god, you told him about the headaches, and now he thinks there's something wrong, and sending you for scans'.

He was not sympathic at all to me sobbing in front of him - I felt like I was wasting his time. I guess it really shocked me that he wanted to do scans etc - in i suppose in fact he was just looking at the symptoms, and tacking on whatever test seemed to fit.

I actually don't feel too bad today. I have a few head pain twinges, and of course with each one my mind goes ott and thinks 'oh my god, the dr was right - something is wrong and you need scans'.

I'm sorry I'm rambling - I'm just trying to sort out what exactly happened last night, and why I reacted the way I did. The dr said at the end that it was my body and my choice ultimately (I suppose if he thought there was something terrible going on, he'd have insisted on the scans etc). He suggested I look into treatment for the anxiety and depression.

I plan to make an appointment with my GP. I've been denying it for too long - I need some help to deal with all this.

One good thing from last night - I was in such a state when I got home, it forced my partner to just comfort me and listen to my worries (which he hasn't really done until now).


Worrying Is Like A Rocking Horse - It Doesn't Actually Get You Anywhere...

05-04-06, 11:53
Hi Top, I understand what you are going through 100%. I to amongst other anxieties get bad health anxiety to and have done off and on for years, you should go and have this scan as it will eliminate and head problems and you can get on treating your anxieties. The doctor doesn’t think that you have a head problem, he is sending you for this scan to eliminate any other causes of your headaches, but I am sure its anxiety as would the doctor be. About 8 weeks ago I had this horrible pain in my shoulder and all down my left arm, the pain was and still is at times unbearable, so I went to Doctor at the earliest time I could. He got the nurse to do an ECG there and then I was shaking like a leaf and so so scared as us with health anxiety do. The ECG was clear and it was done while I had this pain. So he gave me some pain killers and off I went. Within a week I couldn’t stand the pain so went back and asked for stronger pain killers, I was sure the ECG was wrong as they are not as big as the machines at the hospital. The doctor then referred me to se a cardiac specialise, so this got me even more anxious and scared , like you thinking If he has gave me a ecg and sending me to se specialist it must be my heart. Anyway I went to see the cardiac specialist at the hospital and they gave me a general medical, and then had a chat with the cardiac doctor, he ordered a Treadmill ECG, this test took about 30 minutes in all and was on the treadmill at full heart rate for about 6 minutes with heart at 150 beats per minute. This was all clear and he said just go back and see your GP. Anyway I was feeling so much better anxiety wise knowing my heart was ok, and had thought like you before the test 100% sure it was heart trouble. The GP has now referred me to see a physio, which I am glad of as I do have other joint pains. So If I was you I would definitely go and have this scan as then you will know you are ok and get on with treating and accepting its just anxiety and the way you are thinking. The scan my wife had one a couple of weeks ago and there is nothing to worry about, the only thing she wasn’t keen on was the noise, but you do have headphones on and a button to press for them to stop if you get scared. Hope you sort this out and hope you feel better soon. Take care. Vernon

05-04-06, 15:16

I agree with Vernon, please get the scan. Not because I think anything is wrong but in the long run I think it will ease your worrying. You may be suffering with migraines. I get them and it sounds familiar. My eye gets puffy from them. I also constantly hear ringing in my ears, it can be quite maddening. Painkillers do not help. I have to use beta blockers to prevent them and something that is a different type of medicine to get rid of the pain, in america it's called relpax or another one is imitrex. Google it and it will tell you how they work. Anyway, there are different types of migraines but they are headaches and my neck and shoulders are so tight I think they are going to break. Actually, they are beyond headaches but they aren't fatal. My point is get the scan so you won't worry anymore. When you see your GP give all symptoms and see if they could be migraines, also I suggest getting help regarding your anxiety over health issues. The stress can't be good for you. Hope you feel better soon.


05-04-06, 16:58
I totally understand where you are coming from regarding your recent appointment. I have been in similar situations before when I have been to the docs about various health worries. All I wanted them to say to me was "there is nothing to worry about - its only anxiety" but they have never done this as I have not really admitted that I have an anxiety problem. Anyway, just recently I was referred to a doc after 4 months of dizziness and headaches and he examined me and said that he didn't think that there was anything wrong but just to reassure me he would send me for a scan. I am sure that your doc was only trying to reassure you also and because it is private healthcare, they can send you for all the tests they want even if they think there is nothing wrong. So I had my scan and it was fine and if you think that it would help you then go for yours also. It will certainly put your mind at rest and then you can concentrate on getting yourself well again. I am sure that you have nothing to worry about. You are just extra sensitive at the moment.

05-04-06, 17:32
I wish I had your doc, mine said "I cant guarantee my own life never mind anyone elses" when I once asked him to promise me it wasnt my brain. Charming.

Anxiety Is Evil

06-04-06, 01:12
I can see it was him covering his back. Imagine you were in his shoes - you'd want to make sure you could never be in the position to get sued.