View Full Version : peaks and troughs..

11-03-11, 04:38
my ocd has peaks and troughs, depending on various factors, stress levels, sleep quality and quantity, so at the moment its quite bad, work and home pressures definitely having an effect..currently on 40mg cipramil but its hardly touching the sides, thinking of asking gp to increase it or suggest alternative, have been on cipramil for a year or more and sometimes it works really well when the anxiety isnt at the levels it is now
is there any thing i can take concurrently i could ask my gp about?
i was taking kalms to help me sleep but my dreams have been so strange and vivid i;'m reluctant to take it though it has helped in the past
i work as a nurse in the nhs and i look after my mum who's 79 and becoming increasingly frail and losing her sight:( i love my mum and enjoy my job and need to be 100% to be there for both

11-03-11, 05:05
I was once prescribed seroxat but personally, the side-effects were so bad I had to stop taking them.

Pressures will certainly make ocd worse so the best way of dealing with it is to find ways to ease those pressures such as delegation, giving yourself time-outs to relax and enjoy yourself etc.

I do understand how you feel though because my situation is very similar.

I have an Immense admiration for nurses. I think you do an Incredible job and deserve the Highest praise for all you do to care for the ill. I wish I had your strength and abilities. I just don't know how you cope. We certainly couldn't cope without Very Special people like yourself. I just wish you would all be treated as the precious gems you are.:hugs:

15-03-11, 05:28
thanks bill:)