View Full Version : female only question - help

11-03-11, 06:43

I am getting myself all worked up and thinking 'this is it'...
I have always had problem with cystitsis and thrush. In the last three weeks I have had a hot/pinching pain in my right ovary which comes and goes through the day. I went to see the doctor and I am going for a scan (again) but they felt it was ovalation...even if it had gone on for three weeks!

This morning my husband said that I always strain to 'wee wee' - which I have noticed myslef but thought it was normal and that my muscles were working extra well - I am thinking that this has been since my c-section 4 years ago. This is what I am now worrying about - help, can this be normal?

11-03-11, 07:42
Hi. I also get a sharp pain in my ovary when I'm ovulating and it can vary from a quick sharp pain to a dull nagging pain that lasts for several days so yes that sounds normal to me. I'm not sure what you mean about straining to wee. We all have to 'relax' our muscles and maybe 'push' a little bit to have a wee otherwise we'd all be walking around wetting ourselves but you shouldn't have to push very hard or for very long. You say you've had a C-section which may have affected your muscles down there but I have no experience of that so can't comment. I'm sure if it doesn't hurt to wee, if you're not weeing any more than normal and if you're not wetting yourself or anything like that then everything is fine. Try not to worry. :)

11-03-11, 08:01
All normal in the wee department as such lol

I think maybe what I am asking is that beause i suffer from anxiety, could i have trained my muscles to be extra strong. I do get anxious when i have to use a pblic loo but really I am relaxed at home, so i shouldn't have to push at home.

btw - I am going really good with PA & anxiety but this is really nagging at me and I dont want to go backwards *scream*

11-03-11, 08:11
hi, not sure if this will help, but i had c-section 2 years ago, and i was a little nervous about weeing after, because of having the wee bag for a day or two after c-section, i have also had wee infection for past 2-3weeks but havng been drinking loads of water and that seems to have cleared it up, i know what you mean kinda about musle when weeing, but i just push to make sure ive completing finished weeing, if that makes sense, also i too have had pain/achey feeling so it does sound normal to me, probley just over worry and contreating on it because of the anxiety ..if you have been to doc's i really wouldnt worry xxx