View Full Version : Food Intolerance - Stomach problems

11-03-11, 09:20
I'm trying to find out at the moment what causes my stomach problems. I have a very interesting book on IBS from the library which sounds very much like what I have. My GP says I have acid reflux and didn't mention IBS.

Anyway on my research I've been looking at food intolerance and wonder if there's a test that the doctor can do that can find out what you are intolerant to and how you go about getting it. I came across a York Test on line but it's expensive and I would only consider it if it's accurate and works. Does anyone have any experience of this?

Also stress and anxiety is a major factor in my stomach problems the slightest worry and I feel it in my stomach, I feel I am now in a viscious cycle of worry and burning stomach pains. Just really unsure where to go next.
Thanks for listening :)

11-03-11, 15:22
Hi Delta

I think the only good way to detect food intolerance is to keep a diary of what you eat and watch your reactions. Remember some foods don't react for several days so you have to be very careful. Try and leave out one or two regularly eaten foods for 2-3 weeks and then reintroduce them one at a time, you should then get a good indication if they upset you. Sometimes it's a group of foods which do it, ie: nightshade vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes and even sweetener in foods such as aspartame. Good luck with it, it's a pain I know.


11-03-11, 16:14
Thanks Fran, I hadn't realised that some foods take several days to react, that makes things really tricky which will explain why I keep eliminating one thing assuming that that's the problem but then still having problems.
thanks I will give this a go.

15-03-11, 19:09
Hi delta,

What are your symptoms as am facing smilar issues doc said acid reflux but I also get other IBS symptoms.

16-03-11, 12:03
Hi raja :)

My symptoms include flatulence, bloating, gas, hiccuping, belching, (lovely :D) constipation and a feeling that i can't go completed when having a bowel movement, discomfort/soreness on the left side under my ribs.

I've given up milk and dairy and going to see if this helps. I feel that I am hardly eating anything at the moment, apart from chicken, fruit and soup, I don't drink alcohol anymore, gave it up a few months back and have started limiting my coffee to 2-3 cups per day.

What symptoms do you get?


19-03-11, 11:18

You know I get the exact same symptoms as you do you get stomach cramps? I can't work out if my stomach hurts or if it's bloating as most of the time it feels heavy. I tend to get brief relief when I pass wind. Mine started I also get constipation which takes it's time, you may have regular bowl movements but still be constipated. I have had a unhealthy lifestyle and I guess it all just builds up in there!!

Are these symptoms of IBS?

29-03-11, 13:23
hi raja
Sorry I haven't replied just haven't had time on the pc.:)

I went back to my gp this morning after having a horrible afternoon and evening with my stomach. It was a different gp and he says it sounds like a food intolerance and I need to keep a food diary (something I have already been doing) he also prescribed an anti-spasmodic tablet to take.

I don't think I get stomach cramps, what do they feel like? I get pain in my left side and a constant feeling of movement and bubbling in my stomach etc.

My stomach also feels heavy a lot of the time and I don't have any appetite, the weight has just dropped off me as I eat so little these days. It's ruling my life now I would say as everything I eat seems to have affect my stomach.:unsure:


29-03-11, 14:18
I'm trying to find out at the moment what causes my stomach problems. I have a very interesting book on IBS from the library which sounds very much like what I have. My GP says I have acid reflux and didn't mention IBS.

Anyway on my research I've been looking at food intolerance and wonder if there's a test that the doctor can do that can find out what you are intolerant to and how you go about getting it. I came across a York Test on line but it's expensive and I would only consider it if it's accurate and works. Does anyone have any experience of this?

Also stress and anxiety is a major factor in my stomach problems the slightest worry and I feel it in my stomach, I feel I am now in a viscious cycle of worry and burning stomach pains. Just really unsure where to go next.
Thanks for listening :)

my bloods showed up high allergies and the docs list for me to go to an allergy clinic is 20 weeks so i bought a food intolerance kit for just under £50 and it has put my mind at rest alot xx


29-03-11, 15:41
Hi there
Ifyou go on the internett
and type in York Tests they do one that is about £19.99 and it shows whether you have a food intorence but if you go onto the next level it is about £200.00 I did it and I was intolerence to nuts and seseme seads


01-04-11, 17:40
Delta, let me know how you get on would be interesting to know which foods are causing you issues? Am currently on ranitidine and to be honest feel lot better, but had 1st time in months some fast food, guess what yep heartburn is back!! It's all about how much your body can take.....

Have you identified your problem foods?

12-05-11, 07:46
hi raja
Sorry I haven't replied just haven't had time on the pc.:)

I went back to my gp this morning after having a horrible afternoon and evening with my stomach. It was a different gp and he says it sounds like a food intolerance and I need to keep a food diary (something I have already been doing) he also prescribed an anti-spasmodic tablet to take.

I don't think I get stomach cramps, what do they feel like? I get pain in my left side and a constant feeling of movement and bubbling in my stomach etc.

My stomach also feels heavy a lot of the time and I don't have any appetite, the weight has just dropped off me as I eat so little these days. It's ruling my life now I would say as everything I eat seems to have affect my stomach.:unsure:


am getting all the same symptoms and trying to find out what is causing it i stopped eating wheat (so i thought) as i have just ate a packet of Mc Coys crisp and about 10-15 minutes later i just felt extremely tired (id only just got up anyway don't no why but i read the ingridents on the packet and shocked that (CONTAINS WHEAT) i never thought crisp did contain wheat so hopefully now i no and i will also be double checking everything else am eating am trying to stay away from wheat & dairy products for a few weeks see how i go as i look 9months pregnant and have bad (smelly :blush:) wind hopefully after a few weeks i will no whats kicking all this off x

12-05-11, 11:10
When I had IBS I spent 3 days in pain, that was years ago now though, the anti spasmic tablets really did wonders for me, haven't need to take them in a while now.
Not sure if food ever did make it worse, but I have a feeling white bread did not help!

12-05-11, 19:54
When I had IBS I spent 3 days in pain, that was years ago now though, the anti spasmic tablets really did wonders for me, haven't need to take them in a while now.
Not sure if food ever did make it worse, but I have a feeling white bread did not help!

i wish i knew what it is what is causing my stomach pains / bloatness i hate it so so much just feel am always suffering tonight my stomach looks pregnant, feeling like food is stuck just below ribs in center, heavy pressure just above pubic bone and hips, constipation, bad smelly wind, tight stomach, which is all kicking off my anxiety :weep:

16-05-11, 20:02
I get the exact same symptoms as you Delta and I think I have an intolerance too.

I suffer with excessive wind, flatulance, wind popping around in my abdomen, pain like trapped wind under left ribs, sometimes I get gastric symptoms such as nausea and hiccups too.

I was told by GP i have IBS, hmmmm!

17-05-11, 13:18
I've been feeling a little bit better just lately, although I have the constant stomach churning now which comes with my anxiety and am scared to eat most of the time which obviously adds to the churning because I'm worried eating certain foods will bring on the symptoms. I've been taking dicycloverine hydrochloride which is an anti-spasmodic tablet which I think has helped me because when I ran out last week I felt so ill after eating.

I went back to my doctor last week, he said it is IBS that I have and that I really just need to learn manage it as there is no cure and to just avoid the problem foods, but he did recommend a blood test which he says will test for all the usual culprits like egg and wheat etc. So I'm due to have that next week.

I'm really struggling to pin point what the problem foods are in my food diary, but this is what I've found so far:

I avoid pasta (haven't eaten it for 2 months)
I only have soya milk on cereal and in tea (although my GP says it could be soya that is causing problems).
I had jacket potato with quiche, small amount of cheddar and coleslaw last night and felt really tired and bloated straight after.
I don't drink coffee.
I had an egg mayo sandwich last week and straight after I felt horrible and it was over 24 hours before the symptoms went so now I avoid any salad dressing that contain sweetener and am considering cutting out eggs if they make me feel ill the next time I have them.
The worst thing of all is that I can no longer eat fruit :weep:, which is awful because I've always been such a big fruit eater but if I touch it now I feel really gassy straight after and my insides go insane.
I don't drink alcohol at all now which is horrible too :weep:
Stress plays a really big part in my stomach problems, I lost my job in April and I've been under a lot of stress trying to find a new one.

Savannah & Honeyp1e, have you managed to identify any problem foods?

17-05-11, 14:38
My Dr told me that to find out if I have any food sensitivities/intolerances I have to eliminate things from my diet one thing at a time for a few weeks per item to see if and when my symptoms improve.

17-05-11, 18:48
What did your GP say about the stabbing wind pain in left ribs? Mine is under left ribs/left side of chest, GP today just told me it is trapped wind, but I've had it weeks now and it is getting worse, it seems to come on worse after eating. It stabs and really hurts.

For me it is pasta, or pizza, if i eat them I get the hiccups and I feel so full, that is when i get the stabbing wind pain too.

My symptoms were mainly low down so I thought it was IBS but now it is aswell the stabbing pains in left rib and the hiccuping aswell. GP didn't seem concerned though and just gave me peppermint tablets?He said as I had no actual acid burning up into my throat and vomiting it isn't a concern. He doesn't thinkI have an ulcer or helicobacter again.

I am really concerned about the stabbing pains and why I am getting it after eating.

18-05-11, 07:20
What did your GP say about the stabbing wind pain in left ribs? Mine is under left ribs/left side of chest, GP today just told me it is trapped wind, but I've had it weeks now and it is getting worse, it seems to come on worse after eating. It stabs and really hurts.

For me it is pasta, or pizza, if i eat them I get the hiccups and I feel so full, that is when i get the stabbing wind pain too.

My symptoms were mainly low down so I thought it was IBS but now it is aswell the stabbing pains in left rib and the hiccuping aswell. GP didn't seem concerned though and just gave me peppermint tablets?He said as I had no actual acid burning up into my throat and vomiting it isn't a concern. He doesn't thinkI have an ulcer or helicobacter again.

I am really concerned about the stabbing pains and why I am getting it after eating.

i get all the same symptoms as you i think its biscuits/chocolate that are causing mine am gonna quit them for a short while and see how i go but am also like you am now getting scared to eat incase it cause's the symptoms and sometimes i think its my mind that causes most of the pains as i worry so much they will happen then they usually do its all mind aswel that plays a big part in this x
i no i have an intolerance to wheat i CAN'T eat this at all and i no if its hidden in foods i just feel dead ill and tired soon as i have eaten it x

18-05-11, 10:09
DO you get the sharp stabbing trapped wind pains? Mine has been stuck under my left ribs for days now. I can feel it rumbling around under my left breast and into my left shoulder. GP says it is trapped wind but it isn't going:-(

I am now wheat free, I am cutting it out for 2 weeks then I am going back to GP.

07-01-12, 23:59
DO you get the sharp stabbing trapped wind pains? Mine has been stuck under my left ribs for days now. I can feel it rumbling around under my left breast and into my left shoulder. GP says it is trapped wind but it isn't going:-(

I am now wheat free, I am cutting it out for 2 weeks then I am going back to GP.

Hi Savannah i no this is an old post now but did you ever stick to a wheat free diet ? i have been wheat free now for over a year am still suffering with my stomach :weep: i just don't no anymore i can do to over come all this and STOP all the symptoms how has your stomach been ?