View Full Version : SO low today.... finding it so hard.

11-03-11, 09:58
Im feeling so low today, i feel likes theres no point in being here anymore, every second is a constant struggle. i feel so alone.
My boyfriend just doesnt understand what im going through, he keeps saying im doing it for attention.... i have been staying at my parents for a few weeks and hes got a day off today and promised he would come up and see me and now hes saying he wont coz he doesnt want to go outside, he said just to get on a bus or in a taxi and come home, he wont listen to me when i tell him im SCARED of going on a bus or in a taxi that even going outside is hard for me.
I need him so much but he wont be there for me.... i know if i go home he wont take my son to nursery so that means my son will be off nursery today... and tommorow hes going to play rugby, i have begged him not to go so i can come home and he can help me with my son, but he wont change my mind. I feel like hes being so disgustingly horrible to me at the moment. I feel abit panicy right now and i just dont know how long i can keep fighting for..... I cant spend no time with my son, im snapping at him. I just want to be me again.