View Full Version : weak, shaky, tired feeling

11-03-11, 12:37
Does anyone else get this?

I seem to be feeling weak, shaky & tired most days at the moment and its really worrying me.

The best way I can describe it is that it feels like I've had a shock, say for instance, you were driving along and someone jumped out infront of you. Although you missed them it leaves you with a shocked weak/shaky feeling which (in this senario) would leave you after a while. Only I havent had any near misses, just going about my normal life, yet I regularly have this sensation!

I know anxiety can cause these feelings but because i'm experiencing it so frequently I'm worrying that its something else. My iron levels were low and i've just finished a two month course of iron supplements but they havent made me feel any different even though my levels are up now.

My husband always says I dont drink enough (3-4 med glaases a day!)the problem is that I never have much of a thirst and tend to forget to drink! but surely this couldnt be the cause?

11-03-11, 12:55
That is exactly how I would describe how I feel every day. My legs feel like jelly, I'm exhausted and I feel almost nervous/shaky.
I was diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue in June last year and always put it down to that but I imagine anxiety can have the same effect, it's just difficult to know which is causing it!

I don't drink much either but don't think that would cause these symptoms, more likely the anxiety I would think. I wouldn't wish anyone to feel like this but it's good to know I'm not alone.

K xx

11-03-11, 13:14
Hi, I get this too, some days worse than others. I know exactly what you mean about a scared feeling out of the blue for no reason, don't know why we get this, maybe it is just being human? I find I am worse pre menstrual.

11-03-11, 13:50
Thanks-its made me feel better knowing i'm not alone in feeling like this:)

11-03-11, 16:10
Does anyone else get this?

I seem to be feeling weak, shaky & tired most days at the moment and its really worrying me.

The best way I can describe it is that it feels like I've had a shock, say for instance, you were driving along and someone jumped out infront of you. Although you missed them it leaves you with a shocked weak/shaky feeling which (in this senario) would leave you after a while. Only I havent had any near misses, just going about my normal life, yet I regularly have this sensation!

I know anxiety can cause these feelings but because i'm experiencing it so frequently I'm worrying that its something else. My iron levels were low and i've just finished a two month course of iron supplements but they havent made me feel any different even though my levels are up now.

My husband always says I dont drink enough (3-4 med glaases a day!)the problem is that I never have much of a thirst and tend to forget to drink! but surely this couldnt be the cause?

This is how am feeling right now have been since i woke up shakey/ scared / trembling / headache / just all over my body even my belly just that horrible nervous feeling keeping thinking am unwell etc.. my BF keeps telling me its becaus e i don't eat or drink much etc (i have an eating disorder well its mainly loss of appetite due to the anxiety that has caused it(all today i have had 2small slices of toast / 4custard creams / pk of snack a jack rice crisp & 1 rice cake since 8am its now 4pm but i think ive eaten to much ) but this feeling is making me feel ill so don't want to eat and i don't no what to do or take to get rid of it ?? i have valium but don't like to count on tablets but if it will stop this feeling i will take one

12-03-11, 09:46
I dont eat alot through the day either.

Its a bit of a vicious circle for me because i have ibs and it is much worse in the first half of the day and eating makes its bad so I just dont eat but by midday I can feel quite weak (although I still get the weak feeling on good days when i'm able to eat all through the day). I feel better in the evening and thats when I want to eat the most.

I too feel that because of this I have some kind of eating disorder, I would'nt call it anorexia or bulimia but I just dont like food because of how it 'plays' up my digestive system, its horrible, I know just how you feel!

12-03-11, 10:11
I also feel the way you describe and I have Fibromyalgia/CFS and anxiety.

12-03-11, 19:26
I'm sure I have fibromyalgia I can relate to 99% of the symptoms described but my gp shakes her head and say no without even asking what my symptoms are:mad: and my osteopath said that she thinks fibromyalgia is a name doctors have come up with when they dont know what else say (charming!!)

14-03-11, 13:24
Fibromyalgia is an umbrella term for a set of symptoms which cannot be explained. It is a syndrome (just like some other illnesses) and is very real. There are certain tests that can be performed (not on the NHS) that clearly show pain is at least 4x higher in patients who have the disorder than in those who don't. Your Dr cannot diagnose the condition, only a rheumatologist can. You would have to display a certain set of symptoms before your Dr would send you to see a rheumatologist for diagnosis.

14-03-11, 15:12
You would have to display a certain set of symptoms before your Dr would send you to see a rheumatologist for diagnosis.

Yeah, from what I've seen of my Mam's diagnosis, if they were going to test for Fibromyalgia they'd probably test for rheumatoid arthritis as well. You'd have to be really in pain.

By the way, the person who said about the umbrella term - this is kind of true isn't it? I mean, it's like CFS and Insterstitial cystitis - they're idiopathic (in that they don't know what causes them) and it is believed the people who suffer the symptoms that are related to these syndromes may not actually be suffering from the same thing (in some it could be viral or post-viral, in some it could be depression, in some it could be auto-immune....etc.) It's not necessarily something to take offense to if a doctor says that (just telling everybody, because I know a lot of doctors say this kind of thing). They're just sort of saying it's a term they use when you're displaying a list of known symptoms but they don't yet know the cause for sure, and really it could have any number of causes.

In fibromyalgia, they know it isn't a problem with the joints/muscles etc (I've heard) and say it may be something to do with the nerves or brain telling you you are in pain (which is all pain is anyway, it's a symptom invented by the brain). So it COULD be a psychological thing, it COULD be an auto-immune thing, it COULD be a physical injury to the nerves...and so on...

14-03-11, 15:51
I dont eat alot through the day either.

Its a bit of a vicious circle for me because i have ibs and it is much worse in the first half of the day and eating makes its bad so I just dont eat but by midday I can feel quite weak (although I still get the weak feeling on good days when i'm able to eat all through the day). I feel better in the evening and thats when I want to eat the most.

I too feel that because of this I have some kind of eating disorder, I would'nt call it anorexia or bulimia but I just dont like food because of how it 'plays' up my digestive system, its horrible, I know just how you feel!

thats how i think i have an eating disorder but i no am not anorexia or anything i may look it as i have lost so much weight but i no am to thin & do need the weight on today is yet another bad day and am really dying to pick up the phone and call someone anyone just for help even try getting myself into hospital ?? my life cant go on this way

15-02-18, 10:41
I had a baby 5 weeks ago and felt on top of the world even though I had a terrible time after giving birth
This week I started to feel numbness of my tongue shaking feeling legs like jelly dizzy and feeling like my heart is racing when standing but it isn’t it’s perfectly normal I’ve been to the doctors and no answers could this be anxiety or something more serious 🙁 very worried

15-02-18, 10:48
I haven’t read earlier in the thread, but could you be exhausted? 5 weeks old is very young, and still a huge period of adjustment

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15-02-18, 13:33
I wonder if it could be hypothyroidism. I have that and if I'm not on proper medication, that's exactly how I feel: Weak, shaky, cold, tired.

Agony Aunt
03-03-18, 05:15
Hi. The reason your doctor shakes her head is because the symptoms you describe are not alarm bells for fibromyalgia to her and she knows you best medically. I know you are convinced it’s that but that’s because anxiety makes you feel all kinds is wrong with you when infact it sounds like just anxiety you are suffering from. Anxiety produces all these physical symptoms and more. Try not to worry about what could be wrong and get some help for anxiety. I’m certain that’s what it is. And just to reassure you it can’t harm you. X

25-06-18, 02:05
This is how am feeling right now have been since i woke up shakey/ scared / trembling / headache / just all over my body even my belly just that horrible nervous feeling keeping thinking am unwell etc.. my BF keeps telling me its becaus e i don't eat or drink much etc (i have an eating disorder well its mainly loss of appetite due to the anxiety that has caused it(all today i have had 2small slices of toast / 4custard creams / pk of snack a jack rice crisp & 1 rice cake since 8am its now 4pm but i think ive eaten to much ) but this feeling is making me feel ill so don't want to eat and i don't no what to do or take to get rid of it ?? i have valium but don't like to count on tablets but if it will stop this feeling i will take one

I am also having this. I am recovering from an eating disorder where I starved and purged, but never felt like this. One year after recovery and now I'm shaking and can't stand for long periods of time. I have been feeling like this for like 2 months. In this time I've been upping dosage of Prozac to 60 mg for anxiety. I eat healthily every day and have 3 meals a day with 2 snacks (I'm never hungry) but I never have energy. I'm only 13 and I have deep bags under my eyes, and can't stand for worship in church because I'm so fatigued. I don't feel tired though I can fall asleep at anytime. Walking up stairs also tire me. I have times or weeks where my depression gets bad, and I don't even feel like gaming (an activity I enjoy) I found an arrival saying people with symtomes like these are either having a coffee withdrawals or it's from some type of diabetes in obese women (which I am not). Sorry if this is confusing, I have trouble having my sentences flow.