View Full Version : first ever evaluation!!

05-04-06, 11:25
Today i have an appointment with my local mental health team (focused intervention team) and hope to be evaluated for the first time ever. After nearly 8 years of suffering mental torture in one way or another, heres hopeing to get some proper help, finally.

Im now feeling nervous that they will think im not for real as i have had a few good days recently. Ive been told my initial appointment will be 45 mins - 1 hr.

Has anyone got any advice as this will be all completely new to me?

Im not so sure what to expect at all


Amanda XX

" knowing and regarding reality as it is, one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint." - the book of Buddism

05-04-06, 12:13
I would say, dont expect too much out of it. It doesnt matter, if you have been having good times recently. I found my first session to be just like interacting with a friend, who just listened and in the end said, yes to what I had diagnosed for myself. But then said more on how to cope. But however in my case, he said, what ever you are doing, just continue doing, but it miggt differ in your case.

But the moral of the story is its just another exeriment, it not like one 1Hr session, which will change things upside down, it may have some times quite insignificant impact, some times a great deal, but it depends on lots and lots and lots of factors.

So the idea is this is just another thing experiement which may or may not work, but with determination, we all might need to keep experimenting, but in a relaxed manner on way to improve things for ourself. This is my personal opinion that all the doctors and consultants are useless, I am sorry to be saying this, to get out of our problems, its in our hands, reading a lot of matirial on books and net proved to help me much more than a single consultation with a doc... The case can differ from person to person, but I think a doc or a consultatnt is just another source of information, its our head and we are better equiped to handle ourself than someone out of the system. But when the system goes in endless loops, then something out side the system will have to perturb it, that is where the doc/books/whatever can help, but still a lot lies within the system itself, that it can set itself right...

My opinion might be wrong. I hope I am not inadvertantly biasing ni a negative way, thats not my intention, just sharing thoughts, take it in perspective.


10-04-06, 10:44
How did it go amanda...


11-04-06, 12:25
Hi Amanda

Hope the appointment went okay.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

13-04-06, 11:58
It went ok. i spoke to a woman for about an hour. she gave me a cd of relaxation and a couple of sheets of paper with techniques.

She is putting me on a list to attend a relaxation class. And will see how it goes from there.

i pretty much opened up to her and i suppose she did all she could, but still not as thorough as i had hope. But i suppose its progress.

I cant help but think about those who maybe really at their wits end and need help sooner rather than later, anyone with suicidal tendancies wouldnt have a hope in hell of getting what they need quick enough. I just feel there needs to be a lot more done and a lot more money spent on this area of the NHS for people to get any speedy benefit.

" knowing and regarding reality as it is, one should know the true facts about this earthly life and look at it without making excuses, and regulate ones daily life according to this knowledge and standpoint." - the book of Buddism

13-04-06, 12:07
Hi Amanda

Glad to hear your session went okay, im sure the relaxation class will work well for you. I have done a few breathing exercises with My CBT Counsellor which i have found to be very good.

I waited over a year for my sessions to start because my old work place decided to drag their heals, after them wanting me to go to this place. It didint make any sense to me at the time either.

Anyway sounds as if you are on track now & let us know how you get on.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart