View Full Version : I googled amd im freaking out!!!

11-03-11, 14:27
I googled i know i know,and it said tumour in my spine!!!! help

anx mum
11-03-11, 14:30
I googled i know i know,and it said tumour in my spine!!!! help

U getting pains in spine?

11-03-11, 14:37
back pain/hip/knee...,i cant see my gp today so will have to try and get appt on Monday...then they will do tests and i'll freak out again..argh,my shrink thinks im doing ok,shes no idea the mess im in..x

11-03-11, 14:54
hello Sandy:)

please dont fret ...............you havent got a spine tumour hun ..believe me I wouldnt post this if I thought there was a chance of it being so .xx

I know how these awful thoughts take hold .........but shoo them away now.
Like brain tumours that we all fear so much ..........the symptoms of spine tumours are not the ones you are experiencing .
it is awful for you feeling so scared .............been there so I understand xx
do not visit Dr Google anymore please.
see your doc on Monday ..........meanwhile do not let your anxiety take over about tumours eh?

sending a hug xx

11-03-11, 15:43
Snowgoose,thanks for taking the time to reply and my goodness i hope you are right but no-one can be sure unless i have an MRI..im scared to see my gp incase he orders one? my bloods were normal in Nov,but it was just a full blood count..im still panicking x

11-03-11, 16:08
I would be a liar of course if I said absolutely you have no tumour without Mri .
And no doctor on this earth will say that either because of the compensation culture these days .

but my love ...I was cancer nurse for over 20 years .............and I am saying from that 20years experience .................you are so unlikely to have tumour .
put your rational hat on now my love and listen to me :hugs:

is this to do with the breast problems you had a day or so ago? talk to us .
I WOULD NOT post this if I thought you were at risk Sandy .XX
It is your anxiety talking in your head . I am saying to you now to tell it to shove off !!! cant post here the words I would use .
please let me take this burden off you ...tell those thoughts that snowgoose will take over for a while ...............and I will send them packing into oblivion love.


11-03-11, 16:18
You were a cancer nurse? ah so you know what your talking about,sorry.Tumour is a scary word,i know first hand as i was told 2 years ago my son,then 5,had a brain tumour...after alot of MRI's/2 Lumbar Punctures and my son being very ill he was dx with Multiple Sclerosis at 5 years old...i cannot believe im like this..im so convinced ive a tumour and im dying.I keep thinking well my bloods were fine in Nov so it cant be but im scared to believe it.x

11-03-11, 16:22
No-one believed me when my son was ill,i had to fight and fight for the doctors to believe me..i was right then so im thinking im right this time.x

11-03-11, 16:41
oh Sandy ..
what a night mare you must have been through . sorry ....I had no idea .
how is your son now? such a young age ....dont know what to say Sandy and I can see why you are wary of symptoms being being ignored.

I dont want to post symptoms of spine tumours on here cos I know I would be frantic and googling .
and hell .........can only send you a bit of forum support here and it is very honest.

I do still believe .........you have not got a tumour despite the health service letting you down .........but understand why you feel this way .

the mind remembers ............and you must be frantic with fear I know .......BUT..... listen to me please eh?
the awful things that have happened is not going to repeat itself ok ?
you are tired and worn down Sandy .xxxx

I dont think there is a person on this forum that will not send you positive vibes tonight ...

let these thoughts go ...........tell yourself you will worry tomorrow if need be .
but for tonight the forum and your friends will take the worry ...say it out loud .hugs xx

no bad thoughts ok .?

11-03-11, 17:25
Oh Snowgoose what a warm loving post,thankyou.I will try and not worry and think the worst.Yes my husband and i went through hell with our son so now i sadly do not believe nor trust doctors my instinct was right with our son and im scared history is repeating itself.Thank you and i will try and put my horrid thoughts in the rubbish bin..x

11-03-11, 18:10
hell Sandy ,

who can ever know why ..........it is random and so unfair . if we had some reason than it might help :hugs:
hey but as a born Glasgow lass :yesyes:............your doctor for your son sounds very good . edinburgh has very good docs xxxx

cant say any more to comfort you Sandy ..............just you have to believe me ........it is indeed the monster inside whispering cos you have gone through so much anxiety. ignore the bugger !!!!!
and it will go if you ignore it and tell it to go to hell :shades:

Your body is so tense .and is reacting by tensing muscles and all your nerve endings are like bad hair day.All on end and static with electricity . xx

all will be ok .

11-03-11, 18:18
Your a Glasgow girl eh? fab..yes hes under Sick Kids Edinburgh and yes they are all utterly fantastic specialists,now if my sons neuro said it wasnt a tumour,id probably believe him..are you on Facebook by any chance? x