View Full Version : Is it really coming back??? :(

11-03-11, 16:02
I haven't been back to these forums in a few months because i havent had any symptoms what so ever and have been feeling normal. I sought a psychologists and got help and even landed a beautiful caring gf that i love very much, everything was on the ups for me. Until the past week or so :(

I have been feeling very woozy headed, sharp pains near heart off and on all day, very weak feeling and just plain tired. Now since mine and her schedules are diff i have been staying up with her to spend more time with her which had only been getting me like 4hrs of sleep everynight. Last night i was feeling really bad and got to bed early and got at least 7hrs of sleep but still today feeling these symptoms.

Could be depriving my body from sleep bring back the anxiety symptoms? Like right now i feel very tired but when i lay there in bed last night with her it took me about 45min to fall asleep cuz i was feeling those symptoms, but here at my desk i just wanna pass out again.

Can anyone help me understand if thats whats going on? Is it anxiety coming back or a health issue i need to get looked at for? Thanks!!

11-03-11, 16:08
It sounds like your body is exhausted. 1 good nights sleep probably isn't enough to make up for all the nights of sleeping only for 4 hours. I would suggest getting a decent amount of sleep for at least a week and see how you feel then? If you still feel the same a chat with your GP will put your mind at rest.

Tiredness always kicks of my HA, my mind runs riot thinking there must be something wrong to feel so exhausted.

Well done by the way for being anxiety free for a few months, can't wait til I can say the same :)

K xx

11-03-11, 16:13
I haven't been back to these forums in a few months because i havent had any symptoms what so ever and have been feeling normal. I sought a psychologists and got help and even landed a beautiful caring gf that i love very much, everything was on the ups for me. Until the past week or so :(

I have been feeling very woozy headed, sharp pains near heart off and on all day, very weak feeling and just plain tired. Now since mine and her schedules are diff i have been staying up with her to spend more time with her which had only been getting me like 4hrs of sleep everynight. Last night i was feeling really bad and got to bed early and got at least 7hrs of sleep but still today feeling these symptoms.

Could be depriving my body from sleep bring back the anxiety symptoms? Like right now i feel very tired but when i lay there in bed last night with her it took me about 45min to fall asleep cuz i was feeling those symptoms, but here at my desk i just wanna pass out again.

Can anyone help me understand if that's whats going on? Is it anxiety coming back or a health issue i need to get looked at for? Thanks!!

This is how am feeling past few days light headed/ head ache/ shakey/ trembling/ jelly legs just all over exhausted i don't sleep much and hardy eat or drink as am so so anxious and have that scared feeling i just want to sleep but cant even do that am also wondering is this really just anxiety ?

11-03-11, 16:17
Ya i feel very weak and my head feels like it will fall off at any second, just feels very woozy and of course my the short stabbing pains here and there near heart doesnt help. I was thinking only 4-5hrs of sleep a night was doing it cuz i feel like ive been hit with a tranquilizer gun at times. Well at least that is what i hope it is and good rest will cure it.

11-03-11, 17:58
Gosh i do keep yawning, but my body feels like complete jelly and i have no appetite at all. I got to struggle through 4 more hours of work ugh!!! Anyone elses thoughts on this? Is it gonna take a week of getting enought sleep?

11-03-11, 19:15

I suggested a good week of sleeping because that's how long it takes me to catch up when I've had a few bad nights. Sleep deprivation can cause all sorts of problems and aches & pains. Hope you feel better soon.

K xx

11-03-11, 22:16
Gosh i do keep yawning, but my body feels like complete jelly and i have no appetite at all. I got to struggle through 4 more hours of work ugh!!! Anyone elses thoughts on this? Is it gonna take a week of getting enought sleep?

i have been the same all day jelly legs/ shattered & no appetite and this is whats gets to me the most as am losing so much weight from not having an appetite i cant afford to lose any more :(

12-03-11, 14:27
im the same but i am getting 7 hours sleep a night bu have all the syymptoms - tiredness, weight loss, now 7stone possibly slightly less but i do eat so me too am very unsure