View Full Version : Please whats wrong with me ??

11-03-11, 16:33
Am really getting myself so worked up and can't stop it quick story bout me i have an type of eating disorder i can go days without eating as i just have loss of appetite with my anxiety also i have a phobia of vomiting which is playing a big part on all this i go to eat when hungry and my negative thinking takes over and i just don't eat but today i woke up at 7am then
8am had 2small toast/ 4custard cream biscuits & a cup of tea
11am - pk of snack a jack rice crisp
2.30pm - 1 choc chip rice cake

but since about 12ish i started getting a head ache feeling / lightheaded/ frothy saliva/ bad smelly passing of wind:blush:/ trembling/ just an all over shakey body feeling/negative thoughts/ nervous stomach/ feeling i need to run the loo but i don't need it/ and a bit of burning in my stomach which i no is acid /exhausted/ just a big horrible scared feeling in my belly and now i wont eat as i feel this bad i cant eat i need help !!!!
i just keep listening to my negative thinking that am gonna be sick or that am unwell etc but i get like this every now n then just bad feelings my BF is saying is cos i dont eat or drink enough but i have eaten today had small amount yesterday but day b4 nothing all day :weep:

11-03-11, 17:26
I agree with your boyfriend. To me you sound hungry. I'm sorry, I don't know what to suggest, but I wouldn't worry about what you're feeling. It really just sounds like the result of not eating.

I hope things get better

11-03-11, 19:10
I wish it was so easy I just can't cope! Also suffering bad nervous stomach feeling but doc said this ibs ? ?

11-03-11, 19:12
You will feel rubbish if you don't eat much I am afraid.

Maybe talk to the doc about all of this and get some help.

11-03-11, 19:27
I have bouts like this... but oyu must eat something... when i cant face food like I'm hungry but have no appetite i turn to yoghurts, fruit, smoothies...
the IBS is a side affect of stress. Sorry if you already know this but it is spasm in your intestine. Its nothing to worry about even though uncomfortsble try drinking some peppermint tea with honey (optional) that will settle it down..

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

11-03-11, 20:04
Hi, it sounds like you could have low blood sugar levels because of your erratic eating habits... I would say you need to get it sorted before you have no control over it at all? Have you had any counselling?

11-03-11, 20:15
Hi, it sounds like you could have low blood sugar levels because of your erratic eating habits... I would say you need to get it sorted before you have no control over it at all? Have you had any counselling?

i don't have any control right now its all the negative thinking that's controlling me :weep: i am seeing a counsellor but don't find helpful i have just booked to see a hypnotist hopefully this will help x
and having this nervous type feeling right in bottom of my belly all day right down the bottom like i need to run the lo every 2mins but i don't need the loo / like my bowels feel on-fire ??

11-03-11, 23:59
I agree with Nicola you need to talk to the doctors again , maybe some meds would help ?

Hope you get this resolved soon as i know its an ongoing problem for you .

Your hospital appointment is soon , one day you will look back on this period of your life and be glad its all over . You will get there :)


12-03-11, 09:32
I hope so mel sooner rather than later x