View Full Version : Urticaria

11-03-11, 17:32
A few weeks ago I had what appeared to be 2 insect bites appear on top of my chest, I thought they were insect bites as they were same size & shape. Once they appeared they started to get extremely itchy & a big rash spead across my chest also my eye lids started to itch. This calmed down but then early this week all flared up again & its bad! My chest looks awful & my eyes are extremely itchy & very swollen. The doc said I have Urticaria which means I could be allergic to something but heavens knows what, apparently it can last for 6 weeks or even longer, I asked my doc if stress could bring it on she said it won't help. Doc gave me a script for steroid cream & anti histamines, to be honest they aren't doing much in fact it seems to be worse. My anxiety & depression has improved so much but this is just frustrating me, it seems I deal with one sympton only to be presented with a new one.

My chest looks awful, red raw, nasty rash all over it, my eyes look like I went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.

Has anyone else got Urticaria? Any tips on lotions & potions i could use would be appreciated.

Claire x

11-03-11, 17:45
How often do you put the steroid cream on and when you do does it still itch?

11-03-11, 17:57
I believe this is what Lisa (bottleblond) has as well.

Maybe send her a PM as she is not online at the moment since moving house. She will respond as soon as she can.