View Full Version : Please help - Lymph node

11-03-11, 17:48
Please can someone help me. I am 17 weeks pregnant and last week my neck felt a bit achy so I had a feel and I found lymph node which is quite tender. It is really worrying me as the other side of my neck I cant feel any so I am worried its enlarged :weep:. I am so scared. My HA has really flared up and I am terrified I have some kind of cancer or lymphoma. When I check for it I can find it easily. Am so scared. Please can a anyone help me.

11-03-11, 18:02
hey .. i have a swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck towards the back (a lump i can see) and cant feel anything on the other side at all .. iv been docs twice two different docs and they both said its just swelled any may never go down .. because sometimes they never do .. and i made them do blood tests for my peace of mind.. they were all clear .. thats what my HA is all based on thats when i first started worryin .. have you been to docs? if not pop to see them im sure your just the same as me as its very common my aunt has it and also my friend xx

11-03-11, 18:30
Thanks for your help. I went to the Doctor the other day and he didnt seem concerned. He told me not to worry (yeah right!) and go back in two weeks to get it checked. I had blood count taken as I am pregnant and it was normal. I am so scared and finding it difficult to stop checking it :weep:

11-03-11, 18:33
Hi, i am also in your shoes. and with a family history of cancer when a gland come up i was scared it was lymphoma. I have had my lump under my jaw for around 4months now it was at 1st tender but now it isnt. i have been told it's up because i have impacted wisdom teeth, have you had any pains in your jaw too? could be worth seeing a dentist as your pregnant its free, i started seeing mine as i was pregnant at time, little one's now 5months. I how ever didnt feel the lump till after. Just wanted to send you big hugs and your not alone in your worries xx

11-03-11, 18:36
Aww thank you. I feel so alone and scared. I had a check up at the Dentist the other day and all fine. I am so worried as my neck feels smoother on the other side. I feel aching when I am out and about from my lymph nodes. Its so difficult to forget about it. I hope your ok also. Take care x

11-03-11, 18:39
hey i also feel one side feels different to the other but every1 says it looks the same and i cant stop touching and prodding and examineing .. and i get aches in my neck and shooting pains :( xx

11-03-11, 19:02
I am sorry your suffering too but its nice not to be alone. Thanks again x

11-03-11, 19:36
Hi I went through this a while back.
Lymph nodes can swell for so many reasons and cancer is one of the least common ones.

Just the fact that you said your lymph node is tender suggests that it is not cancer as cancerous nodes are rarely tender. Tender nodes are more likely the result of an infection somewhere in your body.

But if any of you do have a lymph node that isn't tender, it is still very unlikely to be anything sinister as I have had a swollen node since I was three years old (I'm 20 now) and it has never been sore. It wasn't until i got my anxiety issues that i started to panic about it.

Hope you all feel better soon xxx

11-03-11, 19:49
Thanks. I am really trying to stop proding at it. Just want it to disappear.

12-03-11, 21:22
Mine ache really bad too and i often wake up in the mornin and my neck feels stiff so i start prodding find someting and scare myself. my left side has the lump and feels really lump i can feel little lumps but right side is fine "/ its awful i know totally how you feel, i do worry so much. i worry because it was tender but no longer tender. if i bend my chin i can feel it move around in the jaw and its hard - scared all time but just got to be strong i suppose, thinking of you xx

21-03-11, 17:44
Hi, I have exactly the same thing under my jawline which i discovered a couple of days ago. Smooth firm lump about 1 cm it wasnt tender until i started playing about with it. When i bend my chin to my chest it pops out from under my jaw and i can grab it easily. I have been to the doctor he thinks it could be a salivary gland and he doesnt seem concerned just told me to keep an eye on it. I was convinced it was a lymph gland though before i went to the doc as it seems to be in that position same as most diagrams. Its reassuring to know im not alone with same problem as alot of people on here hope this helps you too?

25-03-11, 14:06
Hi There,
I am still worrying as I can still feel the node in my collarbone at the top near my neck :weep: I read somwhere that if nodes enlarge in the collarbone then it nearly always means something sinister. I am going out of my mind with worries about whats causing it. I worry I have Lymphoma, breast cancer, skin cancer. I cant stop checking my neck. I noticed the node a week ago. My Doctor isnt worried but I really am. Can anyone else feel nodes in this area? Thanks

26-03-11, 00:51
me too i have had on in my neck for a long time and in the back that comes and goes .. i think its normal because so many people have the exact thing

29-03-11, 12:42
Thanks. Does anyone else have a lymph node they can feel at the top of their collarbone near their neck? Its really scaring me. My Doctor said it's ok but I only have the lump at one side. Just wish it would go away and then I could enjoy my pregnancy

30-03-11, 14:38
I mentioned to a close friend about my lymphnode and she says she has 1 above her collarbone, she seen two gp's and they said its fine just to keep an eye on it, shes very worried aswell, just wanted to let you know that your not alone hun and that 2 other gp's have said the same about my friends. My lymphnode is still up in my neck, im hopign it will go away once my teeth are out xx

30-03-11, 14:41
Hi Chick

I've just replied to your PM. As you know i've got one right above my collorbone on my right side and its nothing to worry about. Mine is still there and the dr thinks it will probably always be there.

