View Full Version : Feeling terrible today

11-03-11, 18:45
Need some reassurance. :-(

The last couple of days have been a real struggle for me - worse than normal anyway. Had my first meeting with my therapist on Monday, it all went well and I felt good. Then had an eye test on Tuesday at the Opticians, I've been worrying about my eyes alot lately so when the Optician told me everything was fine I was relieved.

Then on Wednesday I started noticing that my vision had gone a little bit grainy, its sent me into abit of a panic, since then I've had chills, and a really bad dream last night so I didn't get much sleep. Now I'm just feeling worn out and miserable. I'm having stupid thoughts like "what if the light the Optician shone in my eyes has caused me damage?"

Tell me that its just anxiety and I'm being stupid, really feeling down. :weep:

11-03-11, 19:53
Rhys: you are not stupid but it is anxiety. I'm sorry you feel bad. I sympathisize. I was fine today, in fact have been having some very good days...but when I came home it was like walking into a wall of negative downness so now I feel rubbish.

It's so disappointing isn't it? When you feel good and then something (and goodness knows what) pushes you down.

I'm going to make a cup of tea and immerse myself in rubbish TV. Hope you feel better soon

Take care

11-03-11, 20:23
Thanks, I have some days when I feel better than others, today has just been one of the bad days, hopefully I will get a good night sleep and feel abit better tomorrow. :)

Thanks again!

12-03-11, 10:46
Hi Rhys.
Thanks for the post, it has made me feel like I'm not alone at the moment! I have almost been suffering the EXACT same scenario as u lately. I have experienced distorted vision at times and my eye floaters have gotten worse. I went to the optician and was told my eyes were good, I don't even need glasses but I keep thinking that what if his lights caused damage! I am waiting to see an opthamologist at the end of may and this makes me anxious but I feel I have to have another opinion. I know that eyes are nerves and when the nervous system is run down the eyes are affected but I have had anxiety for a very long time and don't remember having any eye issues! Dr Claire Weekes explains in her book that there can never be any new symptoms which bothers me because I take everything she says as gospel as she is amazing but this point can't possibly be true can it? When this episode of panic / anxiety has brought out lots of different symptoms???

Kel :)