View Full Version : Please help me i am so scared

11-03-11, 21:25
I am in a total panic I am so scared i do not know what to do. I went for a scan on my stomach just under three weeks ago and the doctor doing the scan said it was just a fatty lump.

I came home from work to a message on my answer phone from the doctors saying i need to ring them but by the time i got home the doctors were shut.

OMG what do they want me for the doctor at the hospital said it was fine, was she wrong is it the C word ??? Oh please help me

11-03-11, 21:31
Ok firstly calm down.

The doctor probably just wants to tell you what they found - they may not know that you have been told anything already.

It will be fine I am sure

11-03-11, 21:37
Hi Nutty, sorry to hear this has worried you. Please try not to panic though, if it was anything very serious, chances are they would have told you on the day you had the scan. I'm sure they wouldn't have made you wait nearly 3 weeks. :) Like Nicola just said, the doctor probably just wants to talk to you about what they found. Again, if it was anything that needed urgent medical attention I'm sure they would have arranged it.

Give the doctor a ring when you've calmed down a bit. You'll be fine, try not to worry.

All the best xxx

11-03-11, 21:49
Your Gp will not know that you were told the result at the scan - I had a pelvic ultraound last week and was told my ovarian cyst had gone at the scan but when I saw the Dr today he said did you know did they tell you at the time of the scan so he didn't know that I knew results and this is what your Dr will be doing - being sure you know its only a fatty lump.

11-03-11, 22:04
Oh i do hope you are all right. i have had this horrible feeling for months that there is something really wrong with me and now its like confirmation being called into the doctors. they are open tomorrow for appointments only but i am still going to go up and try to be seen, i cant wait until monday :o(

11-03-11, 23:10
Good luck. Let us know how you get on. :flowers:

12-03-11, 06:58
Hi Nutty, As i understand it, it is standard practice for your GP to recieve your results from the hospital and then discuss treatment going forward i.e. discuss meds etc....
Try not to get worked up hun... I know it is easier said than done...
All the best hun...

12-03-11, 08:26
The doctors open at 9 but it is appointments only, supposing they wont see me? i cant wait until Monday, I am so scared I know there is no treatment for a fatty lump so there shouldnt be any meds etc, why couldnt they of rung me at work they have that number why just leave a message on my home answer phone? If there was nothing to worry about then surely they woukd of said that on the phone too

12-03-11, 10:14
Well, i've been upto the doctors and the receptionist says the doctor does need to see me, i have got to go back at 11 i am more scared now x

12-03-11, 10:17
dont fret hun. wait and see what he has to say...

12-03-11, 11:15
Hey, I hope everthing goes ok. hugs x

12-03-11, 12:24
Any update on the 11am appt?

12-03-11, 22:19
Aww i am so sorry for not replying until now but i have only just got home frim this morning. I had to go prom dress shopping with my daughter then I have spent the night celebrating as the doctor only wanted to see me to see if I wanted the lump removed. Why couldnt the receptionist of told me that? Never mind she was brilliant so I am not going to moan about her.

Thank you everyone for caring it means so much to me and all your messages made me feel so much better.

I have finally made an appointment to get my head sorted its on 11th of April so hopefully my head will be sorted then.

Your help has seen me through this thank you all sooooo much and if i could help any of you please shout

Thank you again


12-03-11, 22:30
just seen this x
but it is standard practice that a reception can't give you details over phone. i once rang when i was pregnant and askem for results of pregnancy test she said she knew but couldn't tell me. i was like well did a home test so i think i am. can you just say yes or no lol and hid did but she could have got wkin trouble x
always think if it had been bad they wouldn't have left one message they would have kept trying x
glad all is good x x

12-03-11, 23:00
Surely it were anything serious they would have done their best to contact you and not just left a message. It might not be a fatty lump, it might be some sort of cyst? My mum had 2 cysts removed one on her arm and one on her back. If it were the "C" word there's no way it would take 3 weeks to contact u. I understand u are scared, any of us would be. Chin up and let us know when you get ur results x

12-03-11, 23:01
Ah that's grrrrreeeeeeaaat news!!! So so happy for u!! X

13-03-11, 00:23
Great news xx

13-03-11, 06:45
Thats great news Nutty... I'm glad your ok...

13-03-11, 21:11
Aww thank you everyine, i am sooo happy, i really don't think i would of got through this without you lot , i cant talk to my hubby at times cause i think that i am getting on his nerves going in about it all of the time. You have all been brilliant. Thank you xxxxxx

13-03-11, 22:09
Really pleased for you Nutty :yesyes:

It just shows we always think the worst .

Have a great week :D

14-03-11, 17:00
Really glad Nutty :) xx