View Full Version : Staph worries???

11-03-11, 23:29
I shouldn't have done it. So a few weeks ago, I asked my psychiatrist about staph infections and he told me not to worry about them too much, just be clean when I go to gyms and such. Okay fine. So today I finally looked on wikipedia about them (I KNEW I shouldn't have done that >_>) and... yeah now I'm kind of freaked out. Why? Because I am kind of unhygienic. I pick my nose, I don't change clothes everyday, usually takes me weeks before I actually do laundry or really, even do some basic cleaning around my apartment (I'm living by myself... with a cat). So now I'm freaked out that I have some form of staph in my nose.. which, from what I've read, is actually fairly common! So I don't know if I do or not, but it's possible! Besides not being a very good cleaner of myself or my house, I'm not really at risk or anything. I'm just a grad student who lives by himself.

I mean the simple fact of the matter is this: my hygiene has pretty much been like this for the majority of my life and I haven't actually gotten a staph infection yet. So maybe I should be a bit more hygienic in the future. But my question is this: why, if so many people carry staph (even the MSRA version), do so few of them actually get sick? Even if I have staph, supposedly it's part of most people's body flora. Should I perhaps go to a doctor and get a swab? Or should I just forget about it? A couple of weeks ago, my nose was pretty bloody and such, but after leaving it alone for about a day it stopped being bloody. Probably the weather. I feel a... kind of a bump on the inside of the front of my nose; I think I've had that for a long time, and have picked at it in the past, which doesn't really does anything except make my nose a bit sore. So yeah that's stupid to do, but still.

I need some help understanding why I shouldn't worry myself too much about this concern specifically. The Internet said one can carry staph asymptomatically for weeks or years. I just need some sound advice about why I shouldn't be overly worried about it. Thanks!

11-03-11, 23:45
From what I understand Staph. is like ecoli - we ALL have ecoli living inside of us, there are 1000's of strains with only a few that a harmful, its the same with staphylococcus.