View Full Version : so far so good

05-04-06, 17:11
hi,folks!well after a bad morning[had to put abituary notice in the paper,and had a cry]i nearly cancelled the town trip,BUT ALL YOUR VIBES WORKED:DI did so many things i haven't done for sooo long!Was driven to town,went into a multi story car park[that would have set me off before]sat in a stuffy office[ok,felt a bit like running off!]went into a bank and stood in a QUEUE!Then i was standing in the middle of town,looking around in wonder!Valiumand booze free,i looked on in wonder at where i was and what i had achieved,i didn't want to come home[^]Hey what a result!So thank you for your support.Got monday to deal with yet[driving to my Sons,and the funeral too.So keep those vibes coming,i felt today,for the first time in years,totally FREE:DI will hold this memory forever and know that i can do anything,we all can.love and thanks to you all.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

05-04-06, 18:03
Hi Mary Rose,

You've done excellent! Well done. :D

Sending you good vibes for Monday.

Take Care


05-04-06, 18:31
Thats great news Mary Rose !!!!!!

Im sending you good vibes too, you should be so proud of yourself,


Love Andrea

05-04-06, 19:59
Well done Mary Rose. You've done so well to cope so well with all of this.

Our positive vibes and best wishes will be with you for Monday.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

05-04-06, 20:06
Hi Mary Rose

well done you have made a great achievemnet, now that you have re-discovered the great out doors more exploring will come easy to you Im pleased for you
