View Full Version : burning smell and blood count PLEASE ADVISE!

12-03-11, 11:09
hi all, really need some advice, ive been feeling sick for months now, on a few occasions have woken up to double vision in the night only lasting a few seconds.. ive had a really bad cold and cough a couple of weeks ago and ive been left with a burning smell in my nose which smells worse on breathing out , i can sort of taste it too.. anyway, went for a load of blood tests on tue, stupidly rag for results and was told i have to see the dr! i havnt got an app till monday now so u can imagine whats going through my mind!! she said they were all fine except the full blood count and if it was bad they would of rung me!! could i have a stomach infection (been tested for h pylori which ws neg) is it due to the cold? someone please tell me!! im convinced i have a brain tumor cause of the burning/smoke smell all the time!!!

sorry for the rant :weep: xx

12-03-11, 11:43
please someone? anyone? i'm on the verge of a full blown panic :weep:

12-03-11, 11:49
Hi Darcy,

I'm sure, in fact I'm positive, if it were anything as serious as a brain tumour, they would have had you straight in. Try not to worry. As for the sickness, I've never felt so nauseous until I had anxiety. Feel sick every morning- I would say that this is probably down to nerves.
I think most people have slight double vision when they wake in the night- it takes your eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dark and focus- this is definately nothing to worry about.
The brain is a powerful thing, or so I have learned, and although a lot of things can seem very very real, they are in fact our nerves just playing havoc with us.
I am regularly convinced I have ms- so I know what it is like to be filled with fear. Today is just a bad morning...it will get better as the day goes on. Try to do something to distract yourself xxx

12-03-11, 12:04
hello Darcy:)

I have had some funny smells in my nose when I am recovering from a full blown snotty cold ........horrible and always thought others could smell it on me .
think it may be your sinuses clearing and the gunk left that niffs a bit.
it goes after a day or two
not a brain tumour honestly .please dont fret xxx