View Full Version : New Here

12-03-11, 13:00
Hi Everyone, I have just joined today after coming across the site online.
I suffered about 8 years ago with a nervous breakdown and it to me a long time to recover, I always suffered with some issues.
Unfortunately a couple of weeks ago I started to notice the little signs it was coming back and now back on Citalopram :weep:

12-03-11, 13:01
Hi Hampshire

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-03-11, 14:06
hi hampshire,

i hope the citolapram helps you, and welcome to the forum and site. i am new here too, so again welcome and speak soon


12-03-11, 23:27
Hi Zoobs,

Thanks for the welcome, same to you too. I am hoping this site will help with people who understand a little better than my friends and family do.

Deepest Blue
12-03-11, 23:35
Hi hampshire, let me also welcome you to the forum. I hope you're able to find the help and advice you're looking for :)

Take care.