View Full Version : Feeling so fed up!!!

12-03-11, 13:19
Today as usual woke up feeling terrible, but as the morning went on, started to feel a little better. I am currently on a routine given to me by my o/t which is a mixture of rest periods and activity periods, the activity periods are only getting me sitting up, and watching tv, internet or reading, and the majority of this is meant to take place downstairs. but after a rotten virus, i had a big relapse of my m.e and my anxiety and panic seems to be worst than usual too, for the last 5 weeks i have felt so ill and not able to follow this plan at all, my o/t came to see me on tuesday and gave me a reduced plan to try and get me back on track, the intention was to try and start it the following day, but was feeling far too bad tired, weak, dizzy etc thurs, fri, passed still no luck.

Today i thought i would try my best hubby and children were out but only round the corner, so i felt comforted in the fact that if i needed help he could be here in a sec, but at the same time i could have some peace and quiet downstairs.

Got myself downstairs, watching some tv, sitting up, even managed to make myself a cup of tea, i know that doesn't sound like a lot, but to me that was massive, felt really proud of myself and felt positive. All of a sudden i got a queasy feeling, went ot the loo and had a bit of an upset tummy, which is not totally unusual for me as i suffer with ibs, whilst i was on the loo, i started to feel like i was going to pass out, decided i needed to lay down on my bed, got half way up the stairs, and had to lay on the stairs and wait for the feeling to pass. i don't know if this was down to the upset tummy, anxiety, even though i was feeling good about stuff or whether it was the m.e, when to illnesses overlap like that and can make the symptoms of each worst its hard to know what to do, if the problem was my upset tummy no big deal it will pass, has anyone ever experienced this with an upset tummy before? If were the anxiety, i know i should push myself, get back downstairs and ignore what happened, but if it were the m.e then i know i need to listen to my body and rest and maybe i just wasn't ready for this yet. sorry about the long rambling post but sometimes just helps to write it all down, and maybe someone who has had similar experience may be able to give some advice