View Full Version : Help burning pain in chest

anx mum
12-03-11, 17:55
Got this burning pain again really worried

12-03-11, 17:56
Hi, It will be heartburn.

12-03-11, 17:56
Don't worry it is just your anxiety...nothing to fret about xx

12-03-11, 18:02
Don't worry hun, you've been checked all over and you're fine.
It'll be acid reflux or your costochondritis.

K xxx

anx mum
12-03-11, 18:14
Don't worry hun, you've been checked all over and you're fine.
It'll be acid reflux or your costochondritis.

K xxx

Just looked at my old posts had this burning pain ages

12-03-11, 18:56
Hi Bev
It is Heartburn or acid reflux
I have had it all day today
and it is horrible
try taking some gaviscon
Look after yourself


12-03-11, 20:38
did you suffer with heartburn when pregnant?i did everyday could still be from the pregnancy bev

12-03-11, 20:53
Burning the chest is most likely caused by heartburn/reflux. Some acid reducer like Zantac or a liquid like Milk of Magnesia should really help with that.

anx mum
12-03-11, 20:57
Burning the chest is most likely caused by heartburn/reflux. Some acid reducer like Zantac or a liquid like Milk of Magnesia should really help with that.

Had some gavison whats reflux?

12-03-11, 21:20
you sounding better bev x

12-03-11, 21:59
Reflux is where the stomach acid starts coming up your throat, it can cause a burning at hte back of the throat or in the chest, mostly in the centre or on the left side.