View Full Version : confusion when panicking?

05-04-06, 17:47
when im trying not to panic, or having a panic attack, and people talk to me i dont understand them, or if i do udnerstand, i cant make myself answer and have to get them to repeat what they said. it makes me feel so stupid and confused. does anyone else feel like that?

love katie xxx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."

05-04-06, 18:15
Hi katie - you're not stupid at all, please don't think that. Lots of people experience the same as you, I know when I feel extremely anxious, I can't speak either, the words seem to get stuck on the way out or come out all jumbled. I also can't catch my breath which makes speaking difficult.
Take care
love Helen

06-04-06, 06:15
it is totally natural to feel like that during panic. usualy when people are in crisis or panic, they cannot reason at all, and so you are not alone...and it is very common. Often whe we are veyry emotional, out emotion seem to take over...and it is hard to recognise at the time what is goingo.Myself, I have PF and PTDD, and ADHD....I work very hard to combat these disorders but it is not easyy
When you are in a state of "crisis" ie a panic attack fulll blown your emotions take over and your rationality decreses... I now this from personal experience plus I am training to be an youth counsellor. YOu need to wait to calm donw...post cris...to rationalisxe your thoughts...it is hard...and hoestly I have blips myself. Sometimes my emotions totally take over and usually I wll do self destrutive things....like cutting..not do die but jst to feel pain and bleed. I was seveely abused in the past too.
Also ...if someone has never had a panic attack they wont know what you are talking about..or at worst dont care. Anxiety disorders are not talked about much . In my one class I hav mentioned that I
If they are confused give them some informaton about what you have..so he kow...infromation is so important...and if they decide t o ditch you (it has happened to me)..then don't care about them
i don't know you reall...but you can calll me a friend...I have been through almost it al...but I have survived and I am ging to school, working on my second diploma without parent suppport, and doing the best I can.
don't feel stupid..you are not...confused maye...because you get so many messaes....but listen to your eart and you will know where to go.
Take care

april tones
07-04-06, 00:13
hiya , i get that! feels like im talking funny,i am clumsy etc whiles like to x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com