View Full Version : frequent urination

becks xxx
12-03-11, 18:07
Hi just wondering if anyone can answer this..
After a year and a half of having bad anxiety, is it possible to get a new symptom this far on?i've never had frequent urination but i know it is a symptom, started a few months ago and lasted a day then went and now it has come back for about 3days, i have realised though that if im distracted such as get into a programme i like i don't seem to feel that urge but when i think about it it's there
I've also got a dry mouth/tongue which i know is anxiety too but have had this as a symptom on and off since i've had anxiety.. Then starts the thoughts perhaps i have diabetes? But trying to keep my thoughts as calm as i can. What's everyone's thoughts on this? Just anxiety?

12-03-11, 18:09
You can get new symptoms all the time.

This is also a nightmare for me, as you say it gets worse when you think about it haha.

becks xxx
12-03-11, 18:12
Yes i can definately tell why this would be such a nightmare! Hopefully it's just a phase and will go, sorry to hear you get this! Is there anything you do to try and calm it?

12-03-11, 18:25
if you suffer with ibs this can make you tinkle more one goes with the other,,

12-03-11, 18:48
I have had this in the past too, I find that like you too, as with anything, the more you think about it & focus on it the more intense it gets etc. If you distract yourself, the feeling of needing the loo goes away, proving that it's in our minds & we don't physically need to pee! It's a nightmare but do try and ignore it, don't even think about it & hopefully it will stop!

13-03-11, 11:49
Of course frequent urination is a symptom of Prostate cancer so I was worried about that for about a month. :mad:

What a joke eh? haha

13-03-11, 12:08
Hi Becks,

Yes I suffer from this if I am going through an anxious period!! I find that it is worse if I am away on holiday or something and I have to know I am near the loo!! It is definately true that the more you think about it the worse it is but when you are anxious that cant be helped.


becks xxx
13-03-11, 20:57
Now i'm freaking out!!! Twice today i've been had a bowel movement (never normally go twice a day!) .. and both times my stools have had a bit of blood!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to stay calm, but can't get over the thought it could be bowel cancer!! No way can i go doctors no way!!
My dad suffers with piles and said he gets this alot and it's nothing to worry about, and i take after him with everything else so im hoping im taking after him with this too!! Dreading going again !!

Hazel B
14-03-11, 20:15
If the blood looks fresh and bright red, it is most likely to be a pile/fissure. This is a common thing but people don't talk about it much!

The type of blood to be more concerned about is the colour of tar, or black pudding, dark and blackish. This means that the bleeding is higher up in your system. I know this as I was asked in A&E about blood and stools (I had pains that turned out to be gallstones) and I had to ask for gory details as I hadn't noticed anything!

Please try not to worry, stress can cause piles as your body gets tense.

becks xxx
14-03-11, 20:29
Yes the blood was bright red, thanks for replying, hopefully that's all it is!