View Full Version : lack of urine - weird.

12-03-11, 19:08
I've got to do a urine flow diary for the hospital and am getting a bit freaked out. I have in the past 21 hours (since about 10pm last night) produced 620 ml urine - but have drunk well into 1800 ml - I have spaced it out regularly but I'm hardly peeing at all - I don't really feel the need to go.. it says on the internet that the average adult passes around 1500ml a day with no need to force. This morning I did need - desperately - but it took me well over an hour to go, even with forcing to the point I ended up with abdominal pain and a headache. Since then I've barely needed and can only go when I go for the other end, if that makes sense, one seems to set the other off. I wouldn't mind but I don't feel great, like shaky and giddy and weak almost. It all seems a bit weird.. I can see my GP monday morning hopefully, I'm planning on ringing first thing Monday for an appt.. But if I'm not weeing then where's all this water going, I'm starting to seriously worry about water intoxication!

12-03-11, 21:38
Guess noone really knows what to do then? Still not going, have a headache from trying to go still.

12-03-11, 21:55
Hey hun

Maybe stop trying to go? just wait and see what happens! i drink loads during the day but yet i generally only go once or twice for a wee an its never very much!
Remember our bodies use some of the fluid we drink so your probably not going to get the same output!

Claire xx

12-03-11, 22:06
Are you taking any laxatives? They can use quite a lot of water.

Also its normal, as far as i know, to not produce that as much urine compared to your input, the body needs quite a lot. I have to drink about 3-4l a day in order to have normal coloured urine.

As for water intoxification I think its not about how much you drink but, instead, how fast your drink it. An adult could drink 5 litres a day, spread over the whole day and be fine, however if you drink that volume in a 2 hour gap it would be a different story.

12-03-11, 22:33
No, not taking anything at all, I almost wish I was as I cant go for the other end either :( .. So tired. I'm now worried as well cos I've got a headache, I banged it earlier quite hard, no lump or anything but I've now got a headache - 11 hours since banging it - and am terrified that I've really damaged my brain or something..

13-03-11, 10:40
Don't worry about lack of urine. Your body needs water. When it comes to water intoxication, I would suggest not going over 3.5litres. I recently asked a urologist because I was told I should aim for 1.5 litres a day but I couldn't cut down from 3 - 4 litres. She said 5 litres is very dangerous in one day and 3.5 litres was a safe limit. So if you're drinking less than 4 litres a day don't worry. If you are drinking more than 4 litres a day then try to cut it down - I've done so by using smaller glasses!!!

I also feel better after a bowel movement - this triggers the other end in the same way you say and sometimes that's the only way I actually feel empty! If you find out from the docs why this is I'd love to know, but the colon is very near the bladder, in fact constipation can make you need a wee all the time - so the two are very connected and I wouldn't worry about it.