View Full Version : White lump(s) back of Tongue

12-03-11, 20:03
hello everyone,

Im new here and I have severe hypochondria. It all started about 2 months ago when I thought I had anal cancer but it turned out to be hemmerhoids. My anxiety about cancer propogated to bowel cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer and now oral cancer.

For the past week or so I can see a large like lump at the back of my tongue...at the top left. On the other side theres also 3 tiny white spots joined together...and behind all that theres lots of white lumps.

I do have a white tongue aswell...not so bad but its white, I started using a tongue brush since yesterday and the whiteness seems to be going away slowly but the white lump is still there :weep:

Im seeing the dentist on Monday about it, after asking the dentist about it last Thursday who just told me to use a tongue brush and gel.

But im REALLY worried about this lump spot thing...i can feel it whenever I swollow. Its not really painfull but I can feel it a bit and my throat feels wierd like theres stuff in there I think.

Im 26 years old, Never smoked in my life, Never drank alcohol in my life, never done oral sex or sex in general (dont beleive in sex before marriage). Generally im healthy though I do eat a lot of sugary food.

Does anyone have any ideas what this could be????:scared15::scared15:


12-03-11, 20:26
I very highly doubt that this is cancer mate!

Lumps in the mouth are really quite common! I had one removed from the tip of my tongue when I was just 11 years old. Don't worry too much! Your anxiety is whats making this situation much worse than it should be.

12-03-11, 21:04

But I can feel the damn lump when a swollow :( Im not sure if its always been there or if its new but I can deffo feel it. Why is it white coloured aswell ?!??!

*panick attack*