View Full Version : Claire Weekes???

12-03-11, 20:56
Hi guys,

I've heard a lot of you mention Claire Weekes books on here. I'm desperate and willing to try anything, could anyone tell me which book is good for Health Anxiety? Just been looking on e-bay and there's quite a few different ones.

K xx

anx mum
12-03-11, 20:59
Hi guys,

I've heard a lot of you mention Claire Weekes books on here. I'm desperate and willing to try anything, could anyone tell me which book is good for Health Anxiety? Just been looking on e-bay and there's quite a few different ones.

K xx

her books r good hun ive got self help for your nerves and essential help for nerves both good reads

12-03-11, 21:08
hello i have been reading claire weekes books for about twenty years. more help for your nerves, my favourite i s peace from nervous suffering. she simplyfies things, in laymans terms, so if you are already feeling done in. it seems easier to understand,. ometime i feel confident, but it take a long time to really have confidence . hope thi help:)

12-03-11, 22:34
Have to say that Weekes books are an excellent grounding in anxiety and how anxiety effects the body etc but that they are not really geared towards health anxiety as such. She does mention a concept known as bewiderment which sort of encompasses health anxiety and how it can develop but that is about as far as she goes.

When I first read her books I was almost concerned as she mainly spoke about anxiety in the traditional mainfestation of panic attacks etc and this was just not how my anxiety presented. Don't get me wrong, her research and her advice our fantastic nuggets of wisdom and certaintly point you in the right direction in dealing with anxiety and also physical symptoms but there are better options for specific health anxiety issues.

Deepest Blue
12-03-11, 23:04
Hi kah,

I have one of her books and I've read it twice now. I think it's a great read and although it won't change your life overnight (well it could do), what it certainly does is enables you to understand the feelings we experience and how we can cope with them.

I also have another book called Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel By Changing the Way You Think by Christine A Padesky, Dennis Greenberger and that is a really good read as well, really does help.

If there's anything else you'd like to know then please feel free to ask :)

Take Care.

12-03-11, 23:15
I sell a couple of her books in the online shop if you want to take a look.

13-03-11, 00:02
Hi kah,

I just got the "Hope and Help For Your Nerves". It was a very easy read and basically gives you some coping techniques to "float" with your tension and fear instead of fighting it (kind of like when you are in deep water). It is changing the way you think and react to tension and fear itself. It made some sense and she encourages her readers to take baby steps and allow time to pass. So supposedly next time you have a panic attack, continue doing what you are doing (if you are working, continue working, if you are shopping, don't stop, don't stop what you are doing to "give in" to the fear).

13-03-11, 02:07
There are several specific books on health anxiety, such as Stop Worrying About Your Health by George Zgourides and It's Not All In Your Head by Gordon Asmundson. Also The Worry Cure by Leahy which has one good chapter on health anxiety. Weekes is good and her books helped me many years ago with general anxiety but with health anxiety, you are much better off with those specific books.

13-03-11, 08:58
There are several specific books on health anxiety, such as Stop Worrying About Your Health by George Zgourides and It's Not All In Your Head by Gordon Asmundson. Also The Worry Cure by Leahy which has one good chapter on health anxiety. Weekes is good and her books helped me many years ago with general anxiety but with health anxiety, you are much better off with those specific books.

Thanks lauren6, I think I would be better with a book specifically for HA, as I don't suffer with panic attacks or any other kind of anxiety. Which of those you mentioned would you say is the best?

K xx

13-03-11, 10:27
hi there is another book called at last a life by paul david and i have been told that it is a good book and i have looked at his website which i found really helpful

13-03-11, 11:38
hi there is another book called at last a life by paul david and i have been told that it is a good book and i have looked at his website which i found really helpful

Just took a quick look at the website - interesting stuff. I'll have a proper look when I have more time.

K xx

13-03-11, 14:01
Kah, it's so hard to say which is better. Asmundsen wrote a book called Treating Health Anxiety which is geared toward therapists. he is really the expert on this so "It's Not All In Your Head" is fantastic. However, "Stop Worrying About Your Health" is amazing too. You can get them used on Amazon very cheaply I imagine.

Up to you but to me, I figure I spent that on lunch and this is the most important thing to us, to get over this condition. I'd rather spend it on a book than food or another shirt I don't really need. When I am in the midst of worry, I take one of them out and it calms me down and helps me with the skills. Good luck..I know you'll like them.

04-04-11, 14:48
you csan buy claire weeks books on amazon, you dont need a specific one, they all deal with the symptoms of anxiety. She was my salvation this lady,when i read her first book i cried..... at last, someone who knew how i felt

04-04-11, 21:39
Hi kerri,

i read helen kenerley overcoming health anxiety, they do a "overcoming chronic fatigue" one too i noticed.

this sounds random but do you have any silver coloured fillings at all,

paula lynne
04-04-11, 22:51
I have "Self-help for your nerves" by Claire Weekes, an oldie but a goody x