View Full Version : Yoda

12-03-11, 21:17
changed medication to Citalopram 20 mg from 15 years of Dosulepin.On my 4th week and am starting to see some improvement,still get anxious at night with only 3 hours sleep but feeling calm during the day. Had crap couple of weeks to start with but persevered and am now more positive.Side effects were horrendous, it's ironic that you have do go through so much anxiety and panic when they are what you want to escape from. But reading all of your comments have encouraged me not to give up so i would say to others,it can take 6 weeks to restore the chemical balance in the brain so don't give up.Hope I can get a good nights sleep soon

12-03-11, 21:18
Hi yoda

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-03-11, 22:30
Thankyou, am feeling better already