View Full Version : Managing symptoms?

13-03-11, 01:45
Hi everyone.

I was just hoping to get some advice. I'm 23 and I'm going away in a couple of days for a job and i'm already starting to get quite anxious. I have issues with being away from home, as well as the fact I haven't worked for over a year, and the whole meeting and working with new people thing...it's all pretty scary. I also have OCD mainly to do with a fear of my mum dying and obviously being away from home makes that a lot worse.

I often get a lot of different symptoms when I go away and I was hoping for some advice on how to manage them.

As well as my compulsions getting worse, I also feel very sick, to the point of vomiting repeatedly. Upset stomachs, headaches, shaking/trembling, weakness, lightheadedness, sweating, loss of appetite (which in turn makes me more sweaty, shaky and lightheaded and ill). I also have a lot of trouble sleeping (even with medication). i'm an actor so all of these symptoms don't really help when you know you have to be on camera. Any tips or suggestions on how to manage the symptoms so I can have a bit of an easier time and could help me to allow myself to concentrate on the job at hand?

And added problem is that I smoke, and the hotel is completely non-smoking which is going to be a nightmare especially feeling the way i'm feeling.

Anyway, any tips would be greatley appreciated!